Surprise Visit

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Previously (Author POV)
We continue where we left off
The two boys snap out of there little world to see Hoseok give them a shocked look with bags now at the bottom of his feet.

"Hyung we were doing what couples do~" Jimin said a whine coming out at the end

"Hoseok why are you in our house." Yoongi asked a little upset that his and Jimin's intimate moment was rudely interrupted

"Jimin gave me a key when it was ya celebrating him getting the same job as me. Before he was a barista around the corner from here. I think it was called NamJin's Cafe?"

"Huh ok then. Wait Namjin as in the Namjoon and Seokjin that came to visit us that one time?" Yoongi asked turning his head toward Jimin again

"Yeah... when Jin went little he said that he recognized me. Little me wrote it down,even the it's sloppy." Jimin responded remembering when he read what happened

"Minnie never told me about that."

"Hello Jung Hoseok still here." Hoseok butted in

"Sorry, so why are you here?"

"I took off work early and canceled some of my lessons for today. I wanted to know what was happening."

"Do you want me to tell him?" Yoongi asked

Jimin nodded and nestled his head into  Yoongi's chest. Yoongi smiled and turned to Hoseok.

"First put everything that you brought away in the fridge or cupboards and then sit down." Yoongi instructed

Hoseok hurried to put things away before sitting down. Looking eager to know what happened.

"So before I start the story I'm going to give you the short version."

"Ok." Hoseok responded not caring about the details just wanted to know why they didn't come to work.

"Jimin and I were walking home yesterday when a man took Jimin and tried to do sexual things to him I called the police and saved Jimin."

"Well that was really short. But I can understand. My noona was put in a similar situation."

"Was that why you were harder on the student that one week? Because you were worried about noona?" Jimin asked laying the side of his head on Yoongi's chest his gaze on Hoseok

Hoseok nodded a small frown coming upon his face. Hoseok smiles remembering he brought all of Jimin's favorite things with him. Forgetting about when the other two talked about little Jimin.

"I bought some of your favorite things to cheer you up Jiminie."

"Thanks hyung! Do you think you get me some meds too?"

"Of course! I'll be back in a bit. Don't let me catch you two again."

Jimin blushes as Yoongi just smirked. Hoseok quickly left after that wanting to help as much as he could. On the other hand the other two decided to cuddle and talk about a few things like what there was to do about groceries and things around the house.

Meanwhile Hoseok had a little problem of his own.

Hoseok POV
I was walking out of Jimin and Yoongi's apartment and walked to the elevator. The doors were closing when a girl was rushing her way over. I quickly blocked the elevator from opening and let her in.

"What floor?" I asked

"The lobby please." She said her voice sounded so sweet to me

"I'm Hoseok by the way Jung Hoseok." I said introducing my self

"Min Minjae."

"That's a beautiful name." I replied smiling

The lights began to flicker before the elevator stopped completely. The girl seemed calm while I on the other hand was freaking out.

"AHH WERE STUCK!" I screamed

"Jeez to be so loud~," she complained, "they should get the elevator working soon."

I grabbed my phone and called Yoongi hyung.

"Hyung the elevator broke down. I'm gonna be stuck in here for a while."

"Ahh ok is there anyone with you?"


"Girl or boy?"


"Well this is a chance to make a new friend... or more."

(You guys see where I'm going with this now don't yah. Not sexually but a potential love interest is here.)


"Bye now."

"Is everything ok with your hyung?" Minjae asked me

"Y-Yeah he's just teasing me and all."

"Ok then."

"Well since we're stuck here would you like to get to know each other to pass time?" I ask a little nervous


To Be Continued

Will Hoseok get a girl?

Will the elevator stay broken down for a long time?

Find out next chapter!

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