The Fight

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Third Person POV
Jimin just stood there staring blankly at Yoongi.

Why'd he apologize I actually liked it.

"Why are you apologizing. I kissed you back."

"I thought you were just pressured to kiss back." Yoongi said as he tried his best to give the I don't care feel.

"Oh... well you should get dressed... your still in your PJs hyung"

"Yeah, they should be here soon. If you look at my phone there's a picture of the visitors coming."

"Ok hyung."

And with that Yoongi grab some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and get changed.

When will you stop doing this to me Min Fucking Yoongi. Jimin thought and quickly went to the kitchen to make something to snack on as they would talk to the guests.

Ding dong

That must be them.

Jimin POV

I opened the door to see two men standing there. I smiled and let them in.

"Hyung... our guests are here!" I hollered as I went to get the coke, chips and dip.

"Be there in a sec Chim Chim!" He hollered back. I blushed at Yoongi's nickname he gave me.

I came back in the living room and set the coke, chips and dip on the center table. One of the guys grabbed two of the cokes and handed it to the other. Yoongi then came in wearing a white t shirt and black ripped jeans.

"Hey guys long time no see." Yoongi said smiling a small gummy smile and made his way to sit next to me on the other side of the couch.

"Yeah, how's it going? You finally got that special someone yet Yoongi?" One of them asked he had his hair died blonde, a white sweatshirt on and black jeans on as well.

"I have someone in mind but they are to oblivious to see it. I'm really obvious."

"Who is it hyung?" I asked curiously.

If he didn't like me I could play Cupid and help him get together with that person. As long as he's happy.

He just scoffed and began to speak again and I pouted at his action.

Yoongi POV

Damn it Jimin stop being so cute with that pout!

"How's everything with you to? Is Namjin still strong?"

"What kinda of answer is that! Momma Jim gots Papa Joon and we've been strong since college!" Him yelled he still hasn't changed. Still a sass a frass.

"I'm only joking Jin hyung." I said a smug smile on my face as I grabbed a chip about to dip it.

"Hahahahaha" Jimin began laughing, falling off he couch as he clutched his stomach. I just smiled a gummy smile before I saw Namjoon staring at Jimin curiously.

Your making my heart beat even faster. I don't know how much I can take!

"I'm sorry... I just... think it's funny... how Jin hyung respon.. ded." Jimin said trying to catch his breath in between.

We continued talking until Namjoon had a "great idea" that we should play truth or dare.

This wasn't going to be so bad... I thought.





"I have worked hard. It's not my fault that you can't do anything right without you breaking something in the house!"

"Well that's just great Jin. I'm sorry okay so what I lost my job! We have enough money to rent a space and make the cafe you wanted."

"I want to have more so that we can pay for all of the bills and for when we both think it's time for an upgrade!"

"Why Not we discuss this at home. Yoongi and Jimin are still here and we are the guests let's not make any commotion right now."

"Oh are you embarrassed to fight in-front of our friends is that it!"

"That's not it at all! I just don't want to disturb their neighbors or the landlord."


"Be that way Seokjin Be that way. I'm going home. I'll be in the guest room if you need me." He started balling as the other left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Well this is just great! We got an emotional Jin which means Jimin could get stressed out about what to do to help and go little! Agh! What to do! What to do!

"Hyung do you want a hug!" Jimin asked. Jin just nodded and Jimin opened his arms as he walked over.

"I'm gonna use the rest room." I say and quickly get up.

I call Namjoon and wait for him to pick up.

Namjoon- what's up?

Yoongi- I really need you back at the apartment.

Namjoon- What? Why?

Yoongi- Because my roommate is a little and he might get stressed out about trying to calm Jin down. One sec.



"Ok one sec Minnie I'll be out in a little bit go to the living room and put some cartoons on." I said in a sweet voice.

Namjoon- what was that?

Yoongi- he went little I really could use your help now!

Namjoon- Alright I'm turning around.

And with that I hung up.

To Be Continued

The other two lines in the teaser are going to be in the next chapter here is a little reminder of the teaser.

"I learned something knew about him."

"I speak the truth..."


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