Almost Done!!!

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Hey R&D's
No the book isn't almost over. If you guys were being mislead. The book is still going strong! I don't know when it's gonna end... but it will probably end in a year or so at least! Do be prepared for LOTS of chapters.

Mr Kim's POV
"And that's my story about what happened I don't know anything else. Well..."

It's been a while but Mr Park seems to be down. He's started showing up late to class a lot with nothing but red puffy eyes and bags showing how he hasn't gotten much sleep. He's seemed to have lost a lot of weight and not in the good way.

"Mr Park meet me after class."

He just nods before heading back to his seat next to Mr Choi Sora. I continued class when Mr Min came into class.

"Sorry, Mr Kim. Could I talk to Jimin for a moment?"

"Of course."

Mr Park stood up and left with Mr Min behind him.

Flashback over
Author POV
"Wow does anyone know what happened while I was out?"

"I'm not sure I had heard students yelling one of them sounded like you though." My Choi responded, "I was on my lunch break and was grading papers when I heard two students arguing in the halls."

Mr Choi POV
"You could have just told me!"

"I thought it wasn't important!"

"It's important when it has to do with me meeting them when they are homophobes!"

"I don't want you to meet them!"


"No no I didn't mean it like that."

"Then what did you mean?"

"I don't want you to see how they act about it and I don't want you to be hurt by their criticism."

"I-I need time to think, ok?"

"Yeah, sure. See you around, Chim."

Flashback over
Authors POV

"Wow... anything else?"

"That was the day of the accident. You must have been to busy in your thoughts to notice the red light."


Jimin bowed before leaving the school. He made his way to the old cafe he went to in college when he needed a pick me up.

"Welcome to Kitten's Cafe! how may I help you, sir?"

"One iced americano with a chocolate lava cake, please." Jimin answered what he used to get

"Alrighty, your order should be here shortly."

"Thank you."

Jimin looked at his phone and began scrolling through his Instagram.

There wasn't really much on there until he looked at his past posts to see if he had any pictures from college.

There was one but he couldn't bring himself to look at it. He put it into his collection and set s reminder to look at it later.

"Here you go! One iced americano and a chocolate lava cake."

"Thank you. How much is this?"

"6.50 in total."

"Here you go. Keep the change."

"Thank you, sir."

Jimin nodded and began eating his chocolate lava cake. It melting in his mouth. He continued to eat until he started to remember.

Jimin POV
I can't believe hyung didn't tell about this. He always would put it off. I'm happy that he cares but I really wanted to meet his parents.

I began walking across the road still in my thoughts about what I should do in this situation.

*beep beep*

I look over to my side a car coming straight at me.

Maybe if I left Yoongi he wouldn't have to worry about his parents hurting me. I'll be gone away from him and I'll no longer have him worry about what could happen if I were to meet his parents.

I kept on saying stuff like that in my head standing still and just staring at the car waiting and waiting and waiting for it to hit me. But it never did it stood there in front of me completely to a stop.

That was until the care behind who wasn't paying attention pushed it glass shattering on both of them.

I got hit and fell to the ground my head being punctured with multiple pieces of glass and my arms getting cuts.

I began to pass out before I heard someone yell my name....

"JIMIN!!!!!!" He yelled


Flashback over

To Be Continued

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