J-Hope's problem

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Hoseok POV
"Sure" she responded

"Ok what's you occupation(job)?"

"Well I want to work as a dance teacher I'm majoring in teaching at college. What about you?"

"I am a dance teacher. What year are you in?"

"I'm on my third year so I'm 23."

"Ahh I'm 24. What's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color is white."

"Mines green."

"What's your ideal type?"

"I prefer someone who's able to be comfortable around me and has long hair, double eyelids,good at cooking, supports my decisions but also knows when to stop me from going off the edge, and cares about me as much as I'd care about her."

"Wow... mine is a guy who's taller than me, always able to lighten up the mood, a good dancer, supports me, and cares about me." She responded having a similar ideal

"How long has it been?"

"Ummm 10 minute." Minjae says looking at her watch

It's getting kinda hot. So I take my hoodie of and rap it around my waist.

"Oh your sweating... here take this and wipe it off."


"No problem." She says sending a sweet smile towards me

Why is this happening?

After Hoseok called Yoongi (Author POV

"Yoongi hyung who was it?"

"It was Hoseok. He's stuck in the elevator with a girl."

"Let go to the elevator guy."


Yoongi and Jimin get up from the couch and get their shoes on before heading out the door to go to the elevator guy. Taking the stairs the quickly go down Yoongi slightly complaining about all the work they're doing.

They arrive at the elevator guy's door and knock.

*knock knock knock*

"Please let us in hyung!"
Jimin shouts

"I'm coming!"

He opens the door and lets the two in. Taking a seat at his desk with all the controls for the elevator.

"Can you make the two of them stay stuck for a few hours?" Jimin asks

"Jiminie what are you planning?"

"To have Hoseok hyung get laid."

"Definitely do that he seemed a little stressed today."

"Ok how long? Two hours?"

"YEAH! Oh and at one point have the lights go out!"

"Ok you two wanna heat their conversation? I love doing that."

"I'm in... well leave when the action starts."

"Alrighty then."

Back to Hoseok(Hoseok POV)
"They're taking there sweet time."

"Yeah my friend isn't feeling well so I came to help. I was going to the store to get him some medicine when the elevator broke down." I said trying to start another conversation

"Oh I was supposed to be going to class."

"Do you want to use my phone to call the teacher and ask if they could send you the lesson?"

"That'd be amazing. My phone is dead and I forgot to charge it before leaving. Thank you."

"No problem here you go."

Minjae took the phone and started dialing the number.

"Hello Mrs Oh. I apologize for not coming to class you see I'm stuck in the elevator of my apartment and I'm using another persons phone at the moment. Could you send me the lesson so I can catch up?"

"I don't believe you." I heard come out of the phone.

"Sorry guys but it's taking a while to fix the elevator. You might be stuck here for a few hours." We heard over the intercom

"Well it seems you weren't lying. I'm sorry I doubted you. Many students have come up with excuses to not be in class when they skip."

"Don't worry about it ma'am just send the work and it'll a be fine."

"Hey Minjae, could I have my phone back soon don't want to lose a lot of battery." I say so the teacher knows it's not her phone

"Of course Hoseok shi."

"Goodbye Mrs Oh. I'll see you next week."

Minjae hangs up and hands me my phone. I look at the time to see that about another 10 minutes have passed. Minjae has started to sweat as well.

"If you need to take your clothes off to sweat less then go ahead I won't look." I say and then face the opposite direction.

"Thank you Hoseok." She says as i hear her removing some clothing

"Alright you can turn around now."

I turn around to see her in a tank top and shorts that seemed to be under her skirt. I couldn't stop staring. She looked even more pretty than she did before. Her hair is up now so I can see her exposed collarbone and neck. She blushes under my gaze and I can't stop, I won't stop. I take a few steps towards her before I'm right in front of her.

"I don't know if I can control myself Minjae." I whisper

"I-I please try to."

"I will but I can't say enough for my friend."

"O-ok umm why not you take something off to you must be sweating."

"Ok." I say walking away

I take my shirt of revealing my abs. I can't take my pants off. I put my shirt down and see Minjae staring at them.

She walks up to me and before I know it her lips are on mine. I immediately kiss back. She pulls away all of a sudden and looks away from me her arms now around my neck.


"Don't be sorry. Just do you think you could help me?"

She blushes but nods her head. I smile before kissing her again.

With the elevator guy (Author POV)
"Yes! Hoseok hyung gettin it!" Jimin yells

"Great now lets go too." Yoongi responded

"Make sure that when there down you wait a few minute before restarting the elevator so they can get dressed."

"Alright bye kiddos."

To Be Continued

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