Mission: have a amazing date 1

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Authors POV

Once the two left the car the doors were opened by people who had just finished eating. Yoongi grabbed the door and let Jimin go in first trying to be a gentleman. Jimin just smiled and went in.

"Reservation for Min Yoongi?" Asked the hostess

"Yes that's correct." Yoongi responded

Jimin was so excited he couldn't wait to eat!

"Please follow me this way." The hostess said

Yoongi and Jimin began following the girl but she seemed to be swaying her hips to get the two to notice her in a romantic way. As they were walking Jimin notice that they went past where all the others were sitting but continued follow the girl.

"Here is your table. Your waiter or waitress will be here soon." The girl said while crossing her arms under her breasts making them look bigger as she leaned down. Trying to look seductive for the two.

Jimin already knew what he was getting while Yoongi looked through the menu before deciding.

"Hello welcome to Olive Gar- Yoongi hyung?"

"Taehyung? What are you doing here? What about your other job?"

"Oh well I'm no longer dating the girl who was with you last time. I found out I was gay on our month anniversary."

"Are you two still friends?" Jimin butted in

"Yeah we - Jimin hyung?"

"How are ya Tae?"

"Welp this is new. Anyways we're still friends she even hooked me up with her best friend whose from Busan."

"Wait is his name Jeon Jungkook, does he look like a bunny when he laughs and scrunches up his nose?"


"I didn't know he was gay! He literally told me he loved girls and wanted a girlfriend soon."

"Well my Kookie might be the same one your talking about."

"Anyways... I know what Jimin wants and I'm guessing that Yoongi hyung wants a steak medium rare with gravy and mashed potatoes."

"Wow... are you psychic?" Jimin asked

"No... he used to private chat me in the game we played together and I quote I want some steak medium rare with gravy and mashed potatoes."

"Really? Hyung you could have asked me to cook some steak."

"You always seemed so tired after getting done with work. I didn't want you to do more than you have to. NOW GO AWAY TAEHYUNG!"

"Ok hyung be back with salad for you guys." Taehyung left the two smiling happily.

"So you really do all the cooking so there's less stress for me?"

"Yeah. I thought you could use less stress to help with Minnie."

"Thanks hyung it means a lot."

"No problem. I wanted to do this to help you."

"Umm hyung I'm not sure if you know but I'm gay."

That wasn't as hard as I thought

"I'm gay too. Hoseok actually set me up with a guy but turns out he's already dating someone so we became friends."

"Oh that's cool."

The two were to nervous to talk knowing it was a date, their first date together. Things were kinda awkward seeing as they both had a crush on the other for a while now. Jimin he decided to break the silence by asking Yoongi a question.

"Hyung if things between us went further would we be serious or a fling?"

"Well I would like to take things seriously."

Jimin just smiled

He wants to take us seriously. If there is an us.

Taehyung came back but this time someone else had joined him.

"Hyungs! This is Kookie and here's your alas and bread sticks. Sorry for the  wait."

"Hello my name in Jeon Jungkook I also work here and my relations with Taehyung is that I'm his boyfriend." Jungkook said

"Jeon Jungkook! You really couldn't tell me where you were going!"

"Sorry Jin hyung."

"Seokjin, where's Namjoon."

"He's back at the table."


"Jiminie hyung?"

The two quickly embraced each other. Then slapped Jungkook.

"How could you not tell me you were gay! I would've helped! It obviously looked like you had some sort of affection towards Jack!"

"Sorry hyung i thought you were a homophob. You always laughed at these jokes directed towards LGBTQ+ community."

"I did that so no one would know I was Gay."

"Wait your gay!"

"Yeah I'm actually on a date."

" Min Yoongi never told me that you were going on a date with your roomate!"

"It slipped my mind." Yoongi said casually.

"Well I'm going back to Namjoon."

"Tae, Kook, let's leave."

"Why I wanna talk to Jimin hyung more~" Jungkook whined

"He's on a date let him continue it without interruptions."

Jungkook frowned wanting to carb up with his fellow Busan hyung.

"You won't get kisses for a week if you don't come with." Tae threatened making Jungkook bolt towards Tae and Jin.

Jungkook grabbed Tae's waist and starting kissing his neck to his cheek.

"You could never last that long without me."

Taehyung blushes as he began walking Jungkook letting go and following behind.

"Hahahahaha" Jimin began to laugh seeing how cute his two dongsaengs were.

"Your laugh is so cute. How you've got that eye smile. And how your whole body moves as you laugh. It's so adorable. I love it." Yoongi said out loud as he did not realize it Jimin began to blush. Yoongi soon joined once he realized what he said.

"T-thanks hyung. I really like your gummy smile it's really cute. And when you pout."

The two were very awkward but they felt comfortable seeming to communicate with there eyes.

Taehyung comes in holding Yoongi and Jimin's food.

"Here ya go hyungs. Have fun and enjoy." Taehyung then left the scene letting the two eat in silence.

To Be Continued

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