Mission: get through the car drive

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Author POV
Jimin and Yoongi we're now in the car Yoongi driving while Jimin kept fumbling with his fingers not paying attention to the music that was playing.

"Yoongi hyung?"


"Is this really a d-date?"

"Y-yeah it is. I wanted to ask you out for a while. I-it's just I wasn't sure how to do it."


He felt the same? The whole time?

Jimin smiled at the thought his eyes turning into crescent moons

Jimin smiled at the thought his eyes turning into crescent moons

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(Pretend he not in the made outfit.)

I don't know what to do! Oh god I don't want to embarrass myself! Just be swag man like always.

"I don't know how to do anything. So sorry if this date is crap." Yoongi started trying to make conversation. Things were never like this between the two and Yoongi didn't like the awkward atmosphere.

"Don't worry about just act like we usually do h-hyung."

"That may be hard."

"Why?" Jimin asked

"Because I don't want to hide that I'm into you. Always being anxious but keeping a cold face, but warm enough to not scare you off." Yoongi began



"I'm gay."

"Hi gay I'm gay to!" Yoongi said trying to lighten the mood

Jimin began laughing just that joyful sound made Yoongi's day and he couldn't be happy enough to be this guys roommate even if he didn't get to have Jimin as his.

"Hyung. What would you do if I told you I was dating someone."

"I'd fight like my life depended on it, since you are my life." Jimin blushes at Yoongi's comment and remains silent.

As Yoongi was driving with Jimin there, both being in silence they felt comfortable, happy, relaxed.

But on the inside they were screaming.

Should I tell hyung? I don't want to any disappointment.

WHAT SHOULD I DO! ITS SO QUIET! Sure it's comfortable but I want to be able to Hear Jiminie's voice~

10 more minute of the silence before they had finally arrived at Olive Garden.

To Be Continued

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