Meeting Minnie

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Namjoon POV

I quickly made a u-turn and headed back to Yoongi and Jimin's apartment. I didn't know Jimin was a little. I thought that everything would calm down but no. I mean hello I'm Kim god damn Namjoon who breaks everything including my boyfriends heart! That's not good! I really wish I wasn't like this.

I arrived at the apartment and knocked on the door. You could hear Yoongi ask Little Jimin to open the door.

"Hello there!"

"Hi I'm Namjoon your Minnie, right?" I asked in a kind voice

"Yup! You here for Jingle?"

"Yes I'm here for him. May I come in?"

"Of course! Daddy! Namnam is here!"

"That's great sweetie! Hey Joon go to the couch Jimins getting Jin to come out of the bedroom."

"Yeah thanks. So your his daddy huh... kinky."

He lightly punched my shoulder and I just chuckled.

To Be Continued

Hey guys srry this chapter is shorter than usual I kinda have a little writer block and worry about my girlfriend more right now. My girlfriend is thinking of writing a story about a family that has disabilities, and hardships that families like that in the world  go through. There will be romance but it's gonna be cool!

Any ideas for character names you guys can make it up! Add descriptions please!

Character(description included)


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