Mission:ask him out

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Yoongi POV

Yoongi POV

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I was trying to figure out ideas on how to ask Jimin out and continued making faces when I denied that the idea was good

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I was trying to figure out ideas on how to ask Jimin out and continued making faces when I denied that the idea was good. I was failing miserably and I'm too tired to do anything we have off for a while, boss's orders, and I thought it'd be perfect for Jimin and I to go on a few dates and stuff. I quickly called Chris to see if he could help.

*ring ring*

"CHRIS!" I yelled

"What!" He yelled back

"I need help asking Jiminie out."

"FINALLY!!!! I am soooo helping you out with this."

"Hyung who are you talking to?" Chris's boyfriend asks. I'm guessing here.

"I'm talking to Yoongi hyung about asking Jimin hyung out!" He screams out happily.

"Jiminie hyung gonna have a boyfriend."


"I can hear you guys. It's just one date I don't know if he will even want to."

"Trust us he does and he will."

"Olive garden?"

"He loves Olive Garden!" Chris exclaims

"Great should we dress up?"

"No just where something casual like hanging out."

"Ok. I hope this goes well."

"IT WILL! We'll get everything set up you can count on us." They are to overjoyed about this.

"Don't mess this up or else."

"Ok!" He squealed out.His boyfriend began laughing at him.

"Bye hyung!" Chris shouted


Well that went well. Now how exactly am I going to ask him...

I could tell him it was a date after we actually have it that'd be to much for him probably.

Maybe I should just ask if he'd like to go out for Olive Garden then say it's a date. I'll figure it out.

Authors POV
"YOONGI HYUNG!" Jimin shouted

"Sorry, What's up?"

"I'm bored."

Should I ask him now?

"You want to go out to Olive Garden?"


"Great its a date." I say trying to act calm

(A/N you guys are *internally screaming* did I get that right?)


"Great, just let me make a reservation and get ready."

"Y-yeah." Jimin replied still shook

Did he really just ask me out? Am I dreaming? *pinches arm* NOPE! NOT DREAMING!

Jimin was wide eyed as he kept staring at the wall. In other words he is SHOOK! Jimin couldn't believe anything. He was stuck replaying everything in his mind. Mean while Young was a whole entire different story. He wasn't freaking out not believing what just happened. He was freaking out about something else...

Yoongi POV

"GOD WHAT DID I JUST DO! I need to call Chan now... he needs to get everything ready."

"Hey hyung!"

"Hi umm could you get that reservation ready, like tonight."



"FINE FINE! I'll see what I can do. NOW GO GET READY!"

"I'M STILL YOUR HYUNG! Oh and hows your boyfriend? wonder how he feels about you helping me but probably not having a date recently. BYE NOW!"

I quickly hung up and went to get ready.

(His outfit)

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(His outfit)

Once I was done I sat down in the living room waiting for Jimin.

Jimin POV
Should I change? Or should I put on some make up? Should I really be doing this? He's my roommate and friend but... I really like him.

I decided to get changed into something a little note comfortable than this. It's Yoongi so.

Ok I'll put on natural makeup and maybe a little lip tint.

I quickly finished and left the bathroom.

Authors POV

"You ready to go?" Yoongi asked

"Yeah, let's go."

Yoongi opened the door and we headed to the car.


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