Its fixed!

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Hoseok POV
We're both panting as it's over. I really should get dressed though. I grab my clothes and put them on. Minjae does the same.

"So uh."

"Could I have your number?"

"S-sure." She mumbles as she hands me her phone

I quickly type my number in and hand it back to her. She smiles lightly and puts her phone away before grabbing her purse

"Alright guys the elevator will start working in 5 minutes." We here over the speaker

"That's great!" I say enthusiastically

"Yeah it is. Hoseok shi?"


"Could we be friends? I know it sounds weird after what we jus did but I thought it's better than thinking I just had sex with a random stranger in an elevator like in a movie on Netflix you know? It's so crazy though we're like that but for heavens sake why was I put in this craziness I'm so sorry that this happe-"

I cut her off with a kiss waiting for her to kiss back. She did and wrapped her arms around me deepening the kiss and let go so we could breath.

"I'd rather go on a date." I say smiling at her sweetly and see her smile at me as well

The elevator began moving but we just stayed there staring at each other. Until the doors opened.

"ARE YOU OKAY HYUNG!" I hear Jimin yell

"Yes I'm fine."

"Have you been waiting for him the whole time?" Minjae asks

"Yeah he's my hyung and I care about him. Oh I'm Jimin and this guy over here is Yoongi... someone who I like a lot."

"Ah well hope you two stay strong."

"We're always gonna be strong~" Yoongi slurrs

"Well either Yoongi hyung is drunk or he just woke up from sleeping with his head on my shoulder."

"Yeah that's Yoongi hyung for you."

"Well I better get going." Minjae says

"Call me." I whisper before letting her go

"Yeah c'mon Hobi we have to get those pills."

"Yeah let's go."

We leave the lobby and go to the closest convenience store to get them. I payed since I said I would get them.

What were they talking about when he said little me and all? Is my dongsaeng a little? Well it's possible but I doubt it.

We headed back to the apartment and went up the stairs instead since the elevator could break again easily. I'm not scared but I also need the exercise so I can look good for Minjae. I'll have to asked her out soon though or else she might for get about me.


But I can't think about that though. I should think about how my friend was almost raped and how he is traumatized for life in this situation. I'm glad Yoongi hyung was there but if he wasn't Jimin would probably be scared to be touched by anyone. Even the people he lives like his mom, dad and brother. But hey that's just a theory.

"Hyung I'll let the boss know that something bad happened and that you two need a few days off."

"Thanks Hoseok thats means a lot considering the situation."

"No problem hyung!"


"Yeah hyung?"

"What do you wanna do? Play some video games? Or a board game? Anything to distract you while I'm here?"

"Sure hyung how about a game of truth or dare Yoongi hyungs playing too."

"Ok but I don't like this game a lot."

"How come hyung?"

"Oh it's something I'll tell you about later... I promise."

"Oh and if you refuse to do a truth you do a dare instead and if you fail the dare you have to tell us something embarrassing." I add in just for fun

"Great idea hyung! I like it. We get a choice until the last."

"Oh great I feel like this is some clique highschool or college party just with three people."

"Maybe we should invite Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, and Seokjin too."

"Yeah let do that! It's more people to play with."

To Be Continued

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