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Hey guys so as you know I'm the last chapter we won't be posting chapters for a while. 9 months to be exact.

And we just thought we would tell you about us before you guess more. It'll give you a better idea of the whole situation.

Hyunrin's life:
My life wasn't that great I've been adopted twice and was abandoned due to most likely gender preference and a rule that said you could only have one kid per household. I was abandoned somewhere in China. I was in foster care until 8 years ago. Before I went to different fosters homes originally in China but soon traveled to America. A couple in their late forties was my first foster home in America. They seemed to be kind in front of others. But I was forced to do everything in the house after going to school my name back then was Qingmiao(Ching meow). After being forced to do everything and homework I would be beaten for not finishing quicker or nothing at all. Then one day the man decided to take one of the sharpest knives in the kitchen and slash it on my back enough to leave scars. He then cut my throat as well. He left the new security cameras that he got on. So when I called the police my voice horrible they came with an ambulance and I brought them to the computer that monitored everything and gave them a microchip to use and take the footage for investigation. I soon pasted out after that. It's obvious that I was tended at the hospital. When I woke up I was told that I would be transferred to another home in New Jersey after court. I was to testify. That's a lot for a 8 year old.  I still went through with it and he and his wife ended up in jail. I packed things like clothes I had before I moved there and others that was before I moved there. North Carolina to be specific. I was then brought to New Jersey were I met a Chinese family with 4 sons Jason, the oldest, Cole the middle, Thomas the other middle, and Jax the youngest. The mother Teressa and the father Samual. Jax and I are kinda like twins. Born on the same day same time just different time zones and different sperm. Anyways ever since then I've been living with them they gave me and English name Renée Saunders. My dad is a coach of a football team for highschool my brothers are on the team and I watch practice. And then I met someone online we became friends and soon met up in person. And turns out he's my boyfriend now! We're in highschool still along with Jax and Thomas Cole and Jason are in college. The name Hyunrin my boyfriend gave me, its my Korean name.

Taerin's life
I had a normal life my family and I were an average family. Hanging out together, having movie nights, teasing, arguments, and more. My parents were on a lot of business trips though so it was mostly my brother, my sister and I doing all the stuff. We've taken care of each other without Mom and Dad. Then I met a friend online and met up within two years. My family then moved to New Jersey and we happened to be in the same town as my friend. We started dating and now she's my girlfriend Hyunrin Seo. We're both jr's. Skipped a grade. We have been together for a while. We've loved each other for 6 years.

Hyunrin: now this will help you guys out with your guesses and keep them coming in the chapter above. LOVE YOU!!!!!

2017-2018 no longer in progress.

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