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Woozi POV

"JIHYUN!" Jimin shouted in surprise

"Hey hyung can I come in?"

"Yeah, my roommate and his brother are here I'll introduce you. Although you already know his brother."


"Yoongi this is Jihyun. Jihyun, Yoongi. And you already know Woozi correct." Jimin says smiling softly and leading Jihyun to sit down on the couch.

"Nice to meet you Yoongi hyung. Hi Woozi."

"Hey... so why you here?"

"I can't see my older brother!" Jihyun said exasperating a gasp.

"The only time you visit is when you need something."

"Yeah I needed to tell you something in private."

I wonder what he has to say that's so important? I questioned as Jihyun kept tapping his foot nervously.

"Ok, Yoongi, Woozi, could we have some space?"

"Yeah sure." Yoongi and I answer at the same time causing Jimin to smile.

We left the room and went to for a walk.

Jihyun POV

Oh god I really hope I can do this.


"What's so important that you wanted us to be alone?" Jimin asked with concern all over his face and in his tone of voice.

"I- I'm gay and h-have had a b-boyfriend for a few m-months."

Jimin eyes went wide. I couldn't tell if it was shock, happiness or soon to be disgust.

"I'm so proud of you! Going off  on your own! What's he like! Is he sweet! Does he have little pet names for you! Ah! Intent believe my baby brother has grown up!" Jimin yelled shaking me and jumping up and down.

Well if hyung is going to act like this then I'm sure Mom and dad will too!

"I have to tell you something now ok?"


"I haven't told you yet and asked Mom and not to either but... I'm Bisexual... and kind of have a crush on my roommate?!" Jimin said the last part in a squeak.

"There's one more thing... I know that there is you always chew on your lip when your confessing something and bite your gum when your nervous and when it's both your voice is super shaky!"

"Ok ok yes there is but don't freak out."

"Why would I freak out?"

"Just promise me you won't!"

"Ok hyung... I promise."

"Ok... one sec. you'll understand soon."

Jimin ran to his room and it seemed like he tripped over a few things. The door opened revealing Yoongi and Woozi coming back from their walk. Them both laughing as they take their shoes off.

"Hey Jihyun shi where is Jimin?

"He went to his room. It seemed like he was changing."

Yoongi's eyes went wide. He quickly started running to the hall that goes to Jimin Hyung's room.

"You two talk about something. Science projects or whatever."

"I- uh- ok?"  I said not giving a proper answer before Yoongi hyung rushed to
Jimin's room.

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