My Hero

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Author POV
It's been a few days since the date and Jimin has felt a little awkward around Yoongi. He doesn't know if he should start being more intimate with his hyung or not. Meanwhile Yoongi is really busy trying to figure some of the dance moves for Jimin and his students to learn before he re teaches the kids who need a little more help.

His mind was on Jimin and how he just wanted to cuddle with him and take care of him in general. Yoongi loved how the cute and kind Jimin could turn into this Bad boy while dancing and acting. When he finished he would go back to his seat and start gushing his eye smile with his cheeks puffy out of embarrassment.

 When he finished he would go back to his seat and start gushing his eye smile with his cheeks puffy out of embarrassment

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The Day was over. Yoongi and Jimin were heading home when Yoongi decided to grab Jimin's hand intertwining there fingers.

"Hey hyung?"

"Yeah Chim."

"Can we cuddle at home?"

"Of course! I miss your touch~" Yoongi began to whine

Jimin began blushing

"Could we do all the coupley stuff?"

"mhm." Yoongi responded as the continued walking to the apartment.

Jimin just smiled to himself, still blushing from earlier. The two continued walking home when a man grabbed Jimin, pulling him into an alley way.

"Hey there~" the man slurred obviously drunk and needing a good fuck.

"YOONGI!" Jimin yelled

"Ah ah ah I wouldn't do that," the man began, "unless you want things to get tougher for you."

Jimin whimpered snaking his head furiously at the man. The man quickly grabbed Jimin's arm pulling him up close to kiss him. When Yoongi pulled Jimin away from the man.

"Get your hands off of him." Yoongi said with a stern voice ready to defend both of them, "Go to the apartment Chim."

Jimin didn't hesitate and quickly ran out of the alley way.

"Your gonna regret doing that." The man said smashing his beer on the ground and grabbing a now broken piece of glass.

Yoongi quickly runs out of the alley way to find police men standing there. When the man comes out as well he is immediately hand cuffed guns pointed at him. A police man came to Yoongi and began asking questions.

" Excuse me, sir?"

"Yes officer...," Yoongi looks at the badge, "Song. What is it?"

"Could you tell me exactly what had taken place before we arrived?"

"Of course. My roommate and I were walking home from work when that man had suddenly grabbed him, pulling him into the alley way. I quickly called the police department before going after the two. When I found them the man was about to force himself on my roommate. I quickly intervened and asked him to run to the apartment. He began yelling angrily saying I would regret interrupting them. He broke the beer bottle in his hand and grabbed a broken piece to try and attack me and you know the rest."

Officer Song continued writing till she was done before nodding her at Yoongi before dismissing him to head home.

Yoongi quickly ran to the apartment sure that Jimin was worried sick into little space. When Yoongi opened the door Jimin was right there waiting for him.

"Idoit! I thought you got hurt!" Jimin yelled beginning to tear up as he hit Yoongis chest lightly.

"Hey hey hey I'm okay. See not a scratch. That creepy drunk ass is going to jail. I'm perfectly fine and you are to. You still wanna cuddle Chim?"

Jimin nods his head turning around and walking to his room. Yoongi takes his shoes off and smiles a gummy smile before joining Jimin. Jimin's head snuggled into Yoongi's chest tears staining the sheets and Yoongi's shirt.

"Daddy." Jimin croaked

To Be Continued

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