It worked?

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Jimin POV

We left the building without the guy knowing going to the train station. We quickly got on the train to Yoongi's home town and it took about 3 hours to get there. Once we arrived we quickly got out of the train and headed straight to the police department.

"EXSCUSE ME!!" I yelled

"Yes sir?" A police officer came.

"Can you go to this address there's some bad people trti to hurt my friend in his home we rushed as soon as we were called."

" Alright we have some men already there."

"YOONGI!" I heard a woman say through the phone.

"Are you FaceTiming someone?"

"Yeah it's the proof I'll show you on the way."

"Alright let's go."

Yoongi POV

"Your father should be home shortly."

"Alright mother, may I go to my room?"

"Of course."

"Please let me know when Father is here."

"Ok sweetie."

I ran up to my room and texted Jimin telling him my address. I Laura down for a bit leaving the FaceTime on still.

"YOONGI!" My mother yelled

"Coming mother!"

I ran down the stairs to see father sitting on the couch his tie loosened with his grey and black hair covered in sweat his face beat red.

"Are you Alright father do you want some water?" I ask sounding concerned. As if I care about him.

"Yes that would be nice, could you get me some son?"

"Of course." I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass from the cupboards and fill it up with some water. I walk back and hand my father the glass as I sit across from him. Mother joining with some fruit she had cut up. My favorite.

"As you may have guessed we want you to take over the mafia. Yes I u sweat and it's dangerous but it's so I can finally have some time with your mother. You can get some excitement in you life!" Father said enthusiastically

"Get to the point father. You just want me to take over so you can be a lazy ass."

"Are you still a fag son?"

"What's it to you?"

"I'll take that as a yes. Faggots aren't allowed in my house! You worthless piece of shit! You just came here to puss me off!"

He slapped me and quickly undid his belt ready to hit me with it.

"Did you hear all that? Jimin... Chris?"

"Loud and clear hyung!" Jimin responded

"THIS IS THE POLICE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP! MR and MRS Min you are under the arrest for child abuse, most wanted mafia in this town, and kidnapping etc."


"SEE YA POPS! Have fun in HELL!!"

To Be Continued

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