Something To Get Used To

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"Morning Hyung."

"Morning, you want some coffee?"

"Yes, that'd be great," Jimin responds as he uses a towel to dry his hair another one around his waist.

Yoongi turns around and puts the two coffees on the table. Once the table is set up Yoongi looks up to see the topless Jimin in front of him.

"Thanks!" Jimin says as he sits down at the table. Yoongi starts blushing as he sits down across from Jimin.

Yoongi's POV

Wow, he looks good without a shirt on. Yoongi what are you thinking he's your roommate nothing else. Keep your cool and STOP STARING AT HIM! I really need to figure this stuff out before it becomes worse. Jimin has been really cool so far even with little space so I shouldn't ruin it because of what I'm thinking.

"Hyung... Yoongi hyung?" Jimin waves his hand in front of Yoongi's face

"W what? Sorry I spaced out there for a sec. Could you repeat what you just said?"

"Of course, today we have to work late for the boss wants all the staff for a meeting."

"Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower now," Yoongi says as he stands up from his seat.

"Ok, let me know when you're ready to leave," Jimin replies as he brings the now empty cups of coffee to the sink

I enter the bathroom with a towel in my hand. I walk into the shower and turns on the water. As the water runs, I start to clean myself but my mind goes back to Jimin.

Stop thinking about it. He's probably not even gay. I could always ask him. No, he might think it's weird or maybe he hasn't come out yet? I don't know. I came out when I was in high school. I hope I get this figured out soon or else I'm in big trouble. Yoongi steps out of the shower but slips in the process.

"AHHH!" He screams

"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asks rushing to Yoongi's side.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay," Yoongi responds, blushing. To busy blushing, he doesn't notice Jimin is too/

"Here let me help you up," Jimin says offering his hand.

Yoongi grabs his hand as he responds, "Thanks, Chim."

Jimin's POV

I was in my room, playing on my phone when I heard Yoongi scream, following with a loud thud. I quickly ran into the bathroom to see a naked Yoongi on the floor.

"Hyung are you okay?" I ask rushing to his side away from the door

"Y-yeah, I'm okay," Yoongi responds hiding his face from my view. I quickly reverted my eyes from looking at him for a few minutes, letting my face cool down from all the blushing. As soon as I cooled down I got up and stuck my hand out offering to help him up.

"Here let me help you up," I said

He grabs my hand getting up and then responds looking me in the eyes, "Thanks, Chim."

I quickly let go of Yoongi's hand and quickened my pace as I went back to my room to retrieve my phone. As I turn around Yoongi is standing in the doorway. He was wearing a black shirt and a pair of jeans. He looked so hot.

"What's up?" I ask as I busy myself with cleaning my desk.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Yoongi gives a small grin and walks away. I follow as we head to the front door.

We're now walking outside, on the way to work. Yoongi suddenly stops in his tracks.

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