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Jimin POV

"Well this is great."

"Yeah sure it is Hoseok."

"What! It is."

No I wanted to ask Yoongi out when we got closer but you had to ruin it by setting up a blind date for him.

"I guess but I'm still lonely"

"No your not."


"Get dresses and stop moping in your apartment... we're going out."

"Oh god no, Hoseok."

"Yes or else I'll do it myself."

"Fine fine I'll get ready just give me a few minutes."

Damn he has to be so annoying, why am I friend with this guy anyways?

"Because you love me!"

Great he knows me too well

"Yes I do!"


"Not my fault we've known each other for so long."

"Whatever let me shower."

"Yeah yeah."

I really feel like going little right now. I can't Hoseok doesn't know I'm a little. I can't expose myself here nope not at all. Why did Yoongi agree to the blind date. Does he want a relationship? If only timing wasn't so cruel. I should get out and change.

Time skip: in Hoseok's car

"Where are we going?"

"To a restaurant." Hobi said with a smirk.

"No... no no and no HOSEOK!" I shouted, "WE ARE NOT GOING TO SPY ON YOONGI!"

"Too bad."


What the hell is with him! I don't wanna randomly come up to them punch the guy in the face grab Yoongi and go back home! One that's clique and two that's just rude to the other person if it's a girl I'd yell but what if it's a guy that's older than me?

As I was lost in thought we arrived at the restaurant.

We walk in and get situated. A waiter walks up to us and ask what we'd like to drink.

"Umm can I have a root beer please?"

"I'll just have a water." I say looking up from my menu.


"TAE! How are you I haven't seen you since highschool?"

"I'm good, my girlfriend and I work here she's over there at the mint haired guys table."


"You know him?"

"He's my roommate and maybe my crush..."



"Sorry, my girls talking to him for to long... I'll get your drinks once I retrieve her from your~ mister right." Tae says as tint of pink hits my cheeks.

"I wasn't acknowledged at all." Hoseok says

"Sorry about that."

We watched Yoongi more as we ate our food. He started getting ready to leave when a guy walks up to him and they both sit down.

That's the guy... sehun? Oh god not him!

"Don't worry I'm pretty sure Shun here Has someone by now."

"You bugged him to much didn't you."


"Then I have nothing to worry about let's go. I need my sleep."

I really need to go into little space that's all.

"Alright, lets go. I'll pay... I put you through most of this."

"Thanks I'll be in the car waiting.

At home

Hoseok left and I already bathed and got changed. Ok little me come out whenever you ready.

Little Jimin POV

"Where's my coloring stuff?"

I look around my room finding them under the bed I quickly grab a coloring book as well and color in cats with pink, purple, green, and blue crayons.

It had been hours and I was watching cartoons while hugging my favorite stuffed animal Elenor. That's when the door opened.


To Be Continued

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