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Jimin POV
"Hyung! What are you doing in my bed!"

"Five more minutes." Yoongi says tightening his grip around my waist.

"We have work! GET UP!" I yelled in his ear.

"Fine! I'm up I'm up! You happy?"

"Very."I say smiling, "but why are you in my bed... and uh hugging me?"

Yoongi blushed before speaking a smile forming as he talked.

"You went little when I was gone so I took care of you. When I brought you to bed you asked me to stay and give you Elenor when we woke up." He recalled

"O-Ok thanks. Let's get ready for work now."

I think my little space might speed up the getting into a relationship thing. I need some advice. OH! I'LL ASK SHINHYE!

I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist as Yoongi walked in to take his. He quickly stripped off his clothes forgetting I was there. I washed my face and tried not to pay attention to the now naked Yoongi in the room.

"Like what you see?" He asked a smirk forming on his lips.

"N-no." I say stuttering as I rush to my room.

God that was embarrassing. Please don't have anything else embarrassing happen to me.

"Jimin, you ready?" Yoongi yelled

"Yeah one sec!" I say as I grab my notebook from my desk.

As we walked to work together I felt as if someone was following us or at least me. I asked Yoongi if we could hurry up wanting to get a few things done before students started coming in for lessons.

We arrived at work and I went to my little office that was connected to the dance studio I used. I had to finish some paperwork from the boss and he wanted back by tomorrow before my shift is over.

As I was working someone had mocked on the door.

"Come in!" I said not looking up to see who it was.

"Hey! Jimin how are you man! Haven't seen each other since highschool!"

I recognize that voice!

"CHRIS BANG!" I yell smiling

"Only the kids are aloud to say that!"

"Woah sorry Channie."

"Nah it's cool your still a kid."

"Yah be nice to your hyung!"

"It's true you act like a kid," he says putting his hands up in defense

"Wish this kid!" I says as I head lock him, giving him a nuggie.

Yoongi POV

He's having so much fun with him. Are they together? It doesn't look like it the body language is more friendly like a brother type of situation.

I walked away from the office and started to randomly dance to a song on my phone.

As I danced it showed the anger, the pain, and the jealousy I had felt when Jimin was around this guy.

"Hehehehe" someone laughed as they started clapping

Why is he here!?

Chris's POV

Who's that!? He's great at contemporary like Jimin. What about that person watching him?

To Be Continued

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