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"Oh, hey Jimin."

"Hey, I thought you were looking for a job?"

"Yeah well I applied here yesterday but I wore a mask when I handed my resume in."

"So that's why you left the house for a bit."


"Wait you two know each other?"

"Yeah, Hoseok this is my roommate I was talking about."

"Nice to meet you I'm Hoseok the students call me J-Hope."

"Yoongi, So Jimin talks about me?"

"Oh yeah he said how you seem to be pretty cool since you just me yesterday."

"Oh, Jimins pretty cool to."

"I know."

"Anyways, are you good at dancing?"

"I'm familiar with it but not that I can do random tumbling tricks."

"Ok well we can give you a head start on steps to a song you'd like the student to dance to."

"This is the song."

They all listen to the song and Hoseok starts to dance to the chorus. Jimin joins in as they figure moves out that should be a good standard for Yoongi to teach.

"What's your name going to be? We all have nicknames here again I'm J-Hope."

"Jiminie or Chim Chim."

"Agust D or Suga."

"That's good man."

"Thanks, So lets go over it before the other trainees come in."

Jimin and Hoseok show Yoongi a few moves for the beginning slowly moving and easing the moves to have a soft flow.

(Can't find a dance vid sorry)

The other trainees arrive and each get help from Hoseok and Jimin. Soon enough classes start and each teacher is partnered with another to work together on choreography after teaching students basics etc. This year Jin was partnered up with Yoongi and Hoseok was partner with Jungkook who was sadly sick that day.

"Okay class I'm Jimin you can call me Chim Chim if you'd like."

"And I'm Suga, now why not we get started."

Back at the apartment

"Wow what a day, you want some coffee?"

"Nah I'm good Yoongi."

"Suit yourself."

Yoongi goes to the kitchen to grab some coffee when he looks threw the cupboards he notices a sippy cup with dinosaurs on it.

"Hey Jimin!"


"Should I move the sippy cup somewhere else?"

"Why is it somewhere bad?"

"No it's just in the way of some cups."

"You live here now so you don't have to ask."

"Sorry I'm not used to it."

"It's fine."

3 weeks later

Jimin and Yoongi have gotten along te past 3 weeks and Jimin hopes it stays that way. Now there's a problem... Jimin needs to go into little space bứt he can't or else Yoongi will think he's weird. Jimin is right now watching the news when Yoongi walks in from the bathroom. Jimin was no was switching through the channels when it landed on a cartoon. At that moment Jimin wanted to go into little space so he can go running around singing along with the characters. Jimin quickly switches the channel to something else and tries to act cool fighting the urge to switch the channels back.

It's been one month now

"Hey, Jimin. I'm going to some stuff from the grocery store you want anything?"

"Um we need some more honey and eggs."

"Ok, I'm off see you soon."

Yoongi leaves locking the door behind him.

"I can go little for a bit." Jimin says aloud as he runs to his room and gets his coloring things out from under his bed. Jimin is now in little space coloring a picture of two cats in a basket with a blanket around them. Soon enough Jimin had colored five pages and is trying to find the best one to hang on the wall.

"Awww Minnie did good with this one."Jimin says as he hangs it on the walk unaware that Yoongi is back.

"Minnie?" Yoongi questions

"Hi Daddy!"


To Be Continued...

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