The Misunderstanding

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Chris POV
Who's that!? He's great at contemporary like Jimin. What about that person watching him?

"Hey Jimin who's that dancing?"

"That's my roommate. Min Yoongi."

"Oh... he's very good."

"I've been helping him with contemporary dance and hip hop since he stared working about 3 months ago I believe."

"Do you know who that guy watching him is?"

"No I don't."

That's when Yoongi barged in the room closing the sort and locking it.

Why the hell is he locking the door.

"You ok?"


"Hyung what's wrong?"

"That guy over there... bad history."

Yoongi POV

"Hehehehe" the mysterious guy said clapping his hands

Why is he here! He shouldn't be here.

I sprinted to Jimin's office, locking the door once I came in.

"You okay?" The guy Jimin was talking to asked

"NO!" I yelled back

"Hyung what's wrong?" Jimin asked with a worried tone

"That guy over there... bad history." I said pulling my hair

Oh what am I going to do! He can't get a hold of Jimin or whoever this guy is! That's not a option I'm willing to take. If they get them I'd be lost.

"Umm... short explanation please?"

"That guy was ordered by my parents to take me back to my hometown. They want me to take over the company or whatever which is included with the black market and all so yeah!"

"WHAT!" Jimin yells, "we need to get them out of here!"

"Exactly... we can try to expose your parents."

"That's a good idea what's your name?"

"Chris Bang. 20 years old sir."

"Call me Yoongi Hyung. Anyways yeah we could I could FaceTime you guys and you get an earlier trip there. Then get the police there to arrest them."

"Ok setting the call up put yourself son mute."

"Ok I'm going now."


To Be Continued


Hey guys I'm looking for some new ideas comment some please!!


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