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Yoongi POV

After I got in the bathroom Jimin had turned the tub on and put in a bath bomb. He hadn't noticed me yet. Jimin turns around to grab something from the sink cabinet but stops abruptly after seeing me.

"Hyung~ why are you in here?"

"What it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. I don't really see the problem."

I'm killing you guys by doing this. Your probably thinking.
"Author~nim what do you mean Yoongi HAS SEEN JIMIN NAKED ALREADY!"
I'm telling you now that's gonna take a while to actually happen (dirty minded R&D's) so please calm down.

"HYUNG!!" Jimin yells completely flustered

"What it's the truth. May I say... that you one fine~ man. And I'm lucky to have that for myself."

Jimin is now red as a tomato.

He's so cute

"Well please get out I-I would like to get ready a-alone h-hyung."

"Alright fine," I begin walking towards him, "Don't take to long we have some plans to do." I quickly give him a peck on the forehead before heading to the kitchen.

I began cooking us some pancakes for breakfast. Something simple but good to start off the day. I made different kinds, all of the ones I could possibly make and whatever worked that was in the fridge. It came out to be... chocolate chip, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, cranberry etc. I got the whoop cream, and the cherry's too.

Jimin had walked in and sat at the table as I had just finished making all the pancakes. I stacked one of each on top of each other added whoop cream at the top so he wouldn't notice each is different and set it in front of him.

"Let me take a quick shower and then we can eat." I said before rushing off to take my shower.

Jimin POV
Hyung was really sweet to help with me getting over what happened yesterday but what about him? At some point he's gonna break from this tough act. And I'm going to be there for when he does so o can return the favor. I really hope everything will go well.

"Okay let starts eating, shall we?"

Author POV
The two began eating and Jimin loved it. He would smile when he got all there different pancake flavors at once. Yoongi enjoyed it too. Knowing that it would taste good. When the two were finished eating Yoongi planned on the staying home and having a small date.

"So what are we doing hyung?"

"We are going to watch a movie, play a few games and just talk."

"That sounds good. It's a nice distraction. Maybe we should get meds for the nightmares though."

"I'll do that on my own so don't worry about it."

"Okay..." Jimin said then sat down on the couch.

Yoongi quickly grabbed a blanket from the closet and started making some popcorn. Once it was done He began putting it in a bowl and sat down next to Jimin placing the blanket on top of us and played the movie Jimin had put in.

As they were watching Jimin and Yoongi laid down cuddling each other, Jimin on top of the later. The movie soon came to an end and the credits began to roll. Jimin and Yoongi has a long kiss. They were in there own world of affection as the began to make-out.


To Be Continued

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