aragorn - empty emotion

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He couldn't believe his eyes.  He didn't want to believe what he was seeing.  You were dying and there was aboslutely nothing he could do about it.  The poison you had obtained had already made it's course through your body.  He slowly got off of his horse and walked over to you.  Legolas gave the human a sullen expression. 

"She does not have much long, Aragorn," he softly said.

Aragorn only bowed his head to Legolas, slowly bending down to your side.  He gently took your hands, frowning deeply to himself.  "Y/n?" he softly questioned.  But you did not respond.  With that, your breathing slowly began to slow.  Aragorn held back any emotion he had - the one he had loved was dying right in front of him and you would never even know how much he had loved you.  

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