dwalin - cold nights

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You greatly admired the older dwarf; he was far wiser than you were.  Being a dwarf of only 66 years old, you were even younger than Kili was.  Sure, it was fun having someone relatively close to your age, but you liked Dwalin way more than you tended to like the other dwarves.  Dwalin thought fondly of you and that came from his brother, Balin, so surely, it was the truth.  

You looked up at Dwalin from where you sat.  It was a cold, winters night and everyone in the company were huddled together.  Dwalin was straight across from you; he could see you shivering through your fur coat.  Dwalin watched you for a moment before he whispered to the dwarves beside of him.  When Dwalin stood, the dwarves moved closer to each other, leaving an empty space right beside of you.  You scooted over slightly, watching Dwalin sit down beside of you.  Silently, he pulled you into his chest; warmth immediately enveloped you as he wrapped a little bit of his own coat around your body.  You gently gripped onto his shirt, glancing up slightly.

"Go ahead and sleep, lass.  You'll be warm as long as I've got you."

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