dwalin - strongwilled

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If you were to be described with any word, it would be strong.  You put your foot down when needed and you made sure that you were heard.  And for a hobbit, surrounded by dwarves, a wizard, and a male hobbit, it was definitely admirable (to Dwalin, at least).  

Dwalin watched you from afar, a soft sigh escaping his lips.  His tough outer shell was beginning to break with you around.  How?  He couldn't even sum up the courage to tell you his feelings for you.  You thought Dwalin was handsome - most of the dwarves on the journey were.  Their personalities made up greatly for what their height did not - this would reserve a few groans and, "Hey!  We're taller than you!" from Kili.  

Leaning against your hand, you stared over at Dwalin's back.  Balin softly chuckled from beside of you.  "You know, Y/n, you don't have to be strong and hold back all of your feelings . . . tell him what's going on, lass."  You looked up at him for a moment before you nodded.

"You're right, Balin.  I think I will," you stood up, keeping your eyes on Dwalin.  It needed to be done, especially now that all eyes were on you.

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