Nightmare and day two

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Elissa's P.O.V

I had a dream of me getting dumped into the orphanage, I can't remember much but I was five and my mum told me to sit on there staircase. I was crying and saying "No dont go. Stop and please stay." She then knocked on the door and left me. I did what my mum said and staied sat on the stairs untill a lady opened the door and told me to come in. After two years we got some new people in they were Lizzy, Tori and Annabell. They imediatly connected while I had no friends dispite being there longer than them. That was when Miss Spark came into power over the orphanage. I normaly sang to stop me from crying but once Lizzy, Tori and Annabell were there and they said I sounded like nails being scratched along a chalkboard so I never sang from then on.

I woke with a start in my room. I decided I would stay in my room all day and decorate my walls I decided on drawing the characters from an anime I watched when I was younger it was called "The Girl Who Lept Through Time." And I loved the characters Makoto, Chaki and Kosuke. I found a picture of them and drew them on my wall. I was very careful and only scetching lightly when Hannah came into my room. She scared me and caused Makoto's eye to go weird and she was the first one I drew. Sometimes I wished I had Makoto's time leaping ability. When Hannah realised that she made me jump she said "Sorry but I've got breakfast ready its pancakes and you cant draw on an empty stomach." I agreed and went down and ate.

I then went upstairs and carried on drawing and singing occasionaly, who am I kiding I sang though out the whole sketching process but everytime Hannah came up the stairs I shut up and I sang really quietly also checking the door every so often to make sure I wasn't geting recorded.

When it got to lunch time I managed to have gotten Makoto, some of Chaki and some of Kosuke finnished. I sat on my bed admiaring my art work it wasnt the best but it is better than some of the work I've done. I decided to look on youtube to see how "Martyns video" was doing.


I practically fainted when I saw it. The video has been seen one million times. I turned off my IPad and told Hannah.

Hannah couldn't have belived it as well but I went and showed her. It must have been Martyns clever titleing most people only watch important, we need to show something or must watch videos. I went upstairs after grabbing a cheese sandwitch and thought one million people have heard me sing. I put some Area11 and Yogscast on and carried on sketching untill Lewis came home. Why does everything make me jump. Luckaly I had finnished Chaki's face but I had the rest of Kosuke's face to finnished but it wasnt too much. I really wanted to finnish sketching by tonight because I'm normaly in an arty mood for a day then the next day I don't want to do any art. I carried on late into the night and when I was done I looked at my clock it said 11:28pm I turned my light off and flopped into bed I really couldn't be bothered to get changed and I left my pencil and rubber on the floor muttering "I'll pick them up later."

With in minuets I was asleep.

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