Really! Zack?

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Elissa's P.O.V

"Zack what are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper.

'Well I saw you walk into the building with Hannah and Lewis and I haven't seen you for ages so I came and visited you at yogtowers." He explained

"I forgot you were a parkorer." I said in surprised.

"Do you remember some of the things I tought you." He said

"Yeah don't look down. Put power in my jumps and use my hands to my advantages also dont be scared to push myself." I said.

"Well are you coming out then?" He said. He didn't have to finnish the question and I was jumping down.

"So were are we going?" I asked

"Just along the roof tops" he said got it is nice to be back with Zack and parkoring. We ran along the roof tops feeling the wind in my hair. You have never known the thrill of jumping between buildings.

My phone beeped. It was a text from Hannah.

"Where are you. Livestreams are starting in an hour and i'm worrying about where you are."

I texted back

"I'm ok. Im just with a friend and I'm about a five minuets away."

"Sorry Zack I've got to go but I'll be back tomorrow. Ok tomorrow at 1pm on top of the yogscast building. Bye" I said while running back. I got a texts back saying

"Do you want me to pick you up." I just ignored it yogtower is in my sight. I slid down the gutter pipe and ran in through the enterance, I ran into the lift and slamed the 5th floor button.

When the door opened I was greeted by a worried Hannah and a scared Kim comforting her. When Hannah saw me she ran up to me and said

"I was so scared next time tell me if your going out ok." And hugged me.

"Ok mum. I will." I said hugging her back. When we broke Hannah had tears in her eyes. "Is it because I called you mum." I said. All she did was nod.

"Come on livestream is going to start soon." We heard Kim say.

"Ok then. See you later." I said as I went to the livestream control room. My hand really hurts now, I'll bring my gloves tomorrow. As I walked into the livestream control room I saw Sparkles* and Sam there.

"Hey Elissa." Sparkles* said

"Hey. How are you doing." I asked

"We're doing good. Would you be all right to sing on the livestream." Sparkles* asked. Me sing on a livestream. I think they knew my answer.

"Yeah I'll sing." I said. Oh I don't think they were going to think that I would say yes. "How is minecraft christmas time." I said.

"Yeah it is getting to christmas and we are the yogscast with area 11 in it." Sparkles* said.

"Sparkles* shouldn't the livestream start." I said

"Oh crap yeah it should have. Did you bring your onsie?" He asked. I pointed to a bag.

"Hell yeah I did wheres yours." I asked. He pointed to a bag near the door.

Adopted by who! (Yogscast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now