Martyn got me to talk.

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Martyn's P.O.V

Elissa sat in the corner of my office and started to cry for twenty minuets untill she stopped but she still sat in the corner. I didnt even bother trying to talk to her so I edited the video and uploaded it. I then tried talking to her but it she wasn't listening, I didn't know what to do so I said,
"Elissa come here right now." Knowing that she was abused at the orphanage maby that will get her up and it did
"Yes Martyn what do you want." She said
"Nothing I just wanted you to talk to me." I said, I think she snapped back because she punched me and started talking to me.

It was getting to six PM so the livestream was starting soon and its mine, Sparkles and Beckiis stream, Kaeyi couldn't make it because she wasnt feeling very well, but I'm happy that Beckiis here. I have also seen shipnames going on between Beckii and Sparkles* and one day I may have gone too far. But the fans think Speckii is a thing.

Elissa's P.O.V

After Martyn made me talk we had a nice chat untill my notifacation for the livestream popped up.
"Martyn isn't it you, Sparkles and Kaeyi today." I said
"Yeah but Kaeyi wasnt feeling too good so Beckii is coming on instead." Martyn said
"Ok well I'll go and get everything ready on my end and you go and get everything ready on your end." I said before walking off into the control room.
Finally back in my own seat. Soundboard never part from me for that long again. I still think im a bit crazy but to quote alice in wonderland "all the best people are."
I started the livestream and they plaied tetris. Really tetris. Someone must have been bored and thought "what is the best game ever, I know tetris." But Beckii is kicking some seious ass in this.

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