Leaving and a dream

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Elissa's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs with Lewis behind me. I knew this was real but it still felt like a dream. When I got to Miss Sparks desk I said "Thank you for looking after me for ten years of my life." She then smiled. I then said "See ya never shit lord." I then saw her face it looked like a ton of bricks came crashing down. I then looked at Lewis who looked impressed. I then walked out to there car and saw Hannah. I got in there car still trying to make myself belive that this is real. After a bit of time I started to fidget. Hannah noticed this and asked "do you have any to do because it will be a bit of a drive back."

I simply said "no all I have is music."

As I took my IPad and headphones out. I saw Hannah take something out of her bag and pass it to me. It was a minecraft hand guide booklet. I wanted to read it for ages but I didn't have the money to buy it. I joyfully took it out of hannahs hands and said "Thank you."

After reading the booklet for a bit I found myself in a black void with a when I landed in a grassy field everything looked so real. I looked forwards to see Lewis and Hannah. I ran to them and they hugged me. I found myself being lifted into the air by Lewis and then being placed back on the ground. I turned and saw a house in the distance "Is that where we're going to be living?" I asked. Lewis and Hannah both said "yes." Inunison. I looked at them and said "I love you two and nothing is ever gonna change that."

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