Hospital pt2

537 11 2

Elissa's P.O.V

"Hey Martyn." I said walking to his bed.

"Hey Elissa what are you doing here?" He asked

"Well Parv texted saying I could go and see sparkles and it turns out he can go home. While we were waiting for Sparkles* I wanted to visit you. Where Kaeyi?" I asked

"Kaeyi went out to get something to eat. Say I never caught how you were able to visit me because only family can visit." He said

"I didnt know. It might be because I look a bit like you and they didn't question me." I said

"I don't see it, I don't see how you look like me." He said

"Probibly the blond hair and blue eyes." I said before Kaeyi walked in.

"Hey stinky. Hey Elissa." She said before sitting down in a chair.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Martyn asked

"Its nothing." She said before sighing and rubbing her eyes

"Kaeyi when did you last get any sleep." I asked

"I don't know about a day ago." She said

"Thats not good with your M.E and fibromyalgia." I said

"I know but I didn't want to leave stinkys side." She said

"I'll stay with Martyn if you want and you can go home get some sleep and get yourself something to eat, ok."

"Ok I'll get Parv to drive me home. Bye stinky I'll see you later ok." She said. To be honist it broke my heart because they went from seeing eachother everyday to only a couple of hours. I staied with Martyn chating about random stuff like the cats, Kaeyi, Sparkles, everyone at yogtowers and wildstar. To be honist wildstar sounds amazing!

We carried on talking untill it was nearly dark outside. I think I fell asleep because I was in a black void again but it wasn't a nice one this one seemed endless like I was falling with everything flying passed me, hannah and lewis, the yogscast, zack, the orphanage, minecraft title page, youtube, even light its self. I woke up with a jolt. I looked ouside and saw that it was pitch black. I looked at my phone. 00:51am. Crap mum and dad are probibly asleep, Kaeyi can't drive and everyone I know is probibly asleep. It won't hurt to try everyones phone number.

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