Your not getting her

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Lewis P.O.V

When we got there I walked up to the door and knocked. Some of them chickened out so it was me, Simon, Duncan, Sips, Sjin, Kim and Sparkles. I hope he will give us Elissa but if not we do have weapons.

Elissa's P.O.V

I looked out of a hole I made in the wall and I think I saw Sparkles ginger hair. I smiled a little when Lomadia snuck up and asked,

"What you smile about?"

"Family." I said. Im so happy that they didn't forget about us. I heared them knock on the door and him getting up to answer the door. I could hear a bit of there convosation but it was quiet. I think it went like this

"Hello who are you." Dad said

"Im lewis. Can I have elissa." Lewis said

"Why do you want Elissa" he asked

"I am her legal gardian" lewis said, I was still smilling.

"Well I'm her dad. Also who are the rest of them." He asked

"There friends." Lewis said

"Well why don't you come in." He said, a couple of minuets of shuffling later I heard the door slam and glass brake. Then he yelled

"Why are you taking Elissa away. Shes my ray of sunshine." Nope wrong person

"Well I'm her legal gardian" lewis started.

"Bull shit! Elissa has been under my care since she was born." He yelled. Lewis please got me out of here. I held my stomach, because I havent eaten in a few days, and cried.

"Please get me out of here. Get me out with lomadia." I thought. I looked up and saw that lomadia was asleep. I crawled over to the door and tried to yell for Lewis or for anyone

"Lewis, Sparkles, Simon, Kim, Duncan. Anyone." I said this was when I heard another glass smash and him yelling

"You are not going to get her."

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