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Hannah's P.O.V

Me and lomadia talked about random stuff untill the shit lord burst through the door and pointed at me,

"Come here buttercup." He commanded. I did what he said and followed him as he left the room.When we got to the stairs to make sure that I didn't escape he grabbed my hair and ragged it behind him. He took me to a small room with a single light, no windows and a small bed in the corner. He threw me into the room amd came close to my face.

"Tell me hannah. Where is Elissa." He demanded

"I dont know anyone called Elissa." I lied

"Yes you do! She has long blond hair, blue eyes and she lived with you and that other twat." I yelled spitting in my face.

I wanted to stand up for Lewis but that would end in pain. He then pulled a knife out from behind his back and held it to me arm.

"I will give you one more chance. Tell me where Elissa is." He yelled.

I didn't say anything because I didn't want this shit lord to come after her and I don't know where she is.

"Fine then but your the reason for this pain." He said. He bushed the blade up to my arm. I was waiting for the pain in my arm but it came in my foot. I didnt want to look down because I knew that there was a knife in my foot.

"Now tell me where the fuck Elissa is." He demanded

"I don't know. I swear I don't know." I stuttered

"Well she was your daughter so you should know." He said with a smile

"I swear she left without saying anything." I said

"Well that makes you an unfit parent, and you know what happens to unfit parents." He said "the kid gets taken away from them and placed back in care for another person to come along and adopt her." He smiled at the end of the sentance. Hes trying to make me and lewis unfit parents so elissa gets put back in care and then he can adopt her.

"Hannah you love Elissa dont you, like a daughter." He said. I nodded "well then, that means she tells you everything doesnt it." I nodded again "well what is her power?" He asked.

"I dont know." I mumbled

"Well well well someone should tell you then. Water. If she really loved you then she would have told you that." He said

"For not knowing that well something should happen."

He got the knife out of my foot amd slashed it over my face, it was over my cheek so it would be noticable.

"Now Hannah, lets take you back upstairs. I think Lomadia is missing you." He said with a sickenly sweet smile. He ragged me upstairs and threw me back into the room with lomadia.

I felt helpless, hopeless, lifeless.

I looked at my foot to see the damage. There was blood all over my foot and it was cut open a bit so I could see some muscles.

If this is how he is going to treat me then I might as well die.

A/N:I KNOW I POSTED THIS BUT I KIND OF FUCKED UP SO IM POSTING THESE TWO CHAPTERS AGAIN I KNOW AND IM SORRY PLEASE DONT KILL ME. Also i missed out the capitals of the names i will go back and change it


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