Finnished makoto

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Elissa's P.O.V

I went upstairs got changed into something I didn't mind getting covered in paint. I started on Makoto trying to get the right brown for her hair and eyes, a normal skin tone without it being white or pink and a slightly darker white for her shirt. I started on her hair getting everything spot on even the bit of shimmer on her hair where the sun hits it.

By 6pm I finnished her hair, skin, eyes and started going around some of it in marker pen to make it stand out more or to add detail when Hannah came in my room. I think she had finnished watching that movie because she was a bit teary eyed. She then sat on my bed and started to talk about it which parts she liked, what she thought about it, how the plot was. I just carried on going around Makoto with the pen untill I finnished going round her school shirt. I then walked away to get a drink also to get Hannah to notices it.
When I walked back in I saw hannah had her phone out and compairing the picture to my painting

"This is exact even down to the bits of shading." Exclamed Hannah

"Thanks. I've all ways been good at art." I said

"Good. This is amazing." She said "Is it ok if we showed Lewis this."

"Yeah go ahead and show him." I said. We walked down stairs and I said

"Lewis you know the movie you just watched with Hannah."

"Yeah it was a good movie." He said

"Well keep the main character in mind you know Makoto the girl who lept through time and come to Elissa's room." Said Hannah.

She was really exited to show Lewis because he knew I was going to draw something on my wall at home but I never told them what. We walked into my room and I pointed to the painting on the wall. I think he was as shocked as Hannah saying the same things hannah said. When he had finnished stuttering he asked "Where did you learn to draw like that?"

When Hannah showed him the picture he was even more surprised because he said "its a perfect replica." I was wondering why everyone was shocked. We went downstairs and got tea ready.

After we ate I went back up to my room to see if anyone else had posted a video, nope. Was martyns video still up, yep. I clicked to see how many views it had gotten, TWO MILLION VIEWS. I saw Martyn had posted another video titled "thank you." I think it was a nod to the two freaking million viewed video he had all he said in the video was "thank you for two million views on the video. If it wasnt for sparkles* telling me to get my camera and recording it then it wouldnt be my most viewed video but I have a specal thank you to Hannah and Lewis new daughter who plaied the song. Thats all for today and thank you Elissa. Bye."

I still can't belive he posted it but now I think everyone in the sapling comunity has seen it. I went to sleep at a normal time but I started to think about Martyn and some revenge!

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