My secret

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Lewis' P.O.V

Elissa was looking really tired on the stream so I went and picked her up. As I drove up I saw Sparkles* looking out of the window. He saw my car, picked Elissa up and put her on the back seat of my car. Again why does she have to look so adorable when she's sleeping. When we got home I picked her up and put her on her bed. I watched over her for a bit. I then went down to the living room to watch the rest of the stream.

Why was Hannah playing a cow game with Kim and Simon?

Elissa's P.O.V

I woke up the next day feeling good and fresh because I was going on another parkor around Bristol today with Zack. I grabbed my gloves hoodie legings and top and threw them onto my bed as I walked into the bathroom and got a shower.

When I got out I had my towel wrapped round me and a towel on my head. I shook my head side to side and put it up into a pony tail. I got dressed and went down for breakfast.
Without thinking I said "good morning." And saw no one in the kitchen "oh crap. Well breakfast time." I though making bacon and eggs. After a few minuets Lewis I mean dad came down.

"Do you want some bacon and eggs?" I asked

"Bacon and eggs. Oh yeah." He said.

"Well theres some in the pan I only made it a few minutets ago." I said. We sat in silence through out breakfast untill mum came down

"What are you two doing today?" She asked

"Well I'm going to record some moon quest." Said dad

"I'm going to finnish sketcking on my wall so I can paint then I will go out for a bit." I said

"Ok when you go out tell us and be back for four because it gets dark around them." Said mum. Wow she is even thinking like a real mum.
After breakfast we got in the car and went to yogtower. When we got there I went to my office with my gloves, pencils and sketch book in hand. I'm glad no one had knowtesed the gloves. When I got in I started to sketch. By 12:30pm I had done Sparkles*, Parv, Leo, Koge, Toby, Martyn, Kaeyi, Kim, mum, me, dad, Simon, Duncan, Sjin, Sips, Turps and Strippin. I went and got some jaffas and a cheese sandwhich. When I got back to my office I played minecraft for 20 minuets. When I looked at the clock it said 12:50 ok time to and meet Zack on the roof.

"Mum I'm off out." I said

"Ok be back for 4." She said.

I put my gloves on and went back to my office. I grabbed onto the gutter pipe and climbed up. When I got to the top I saw Zack running accross. We sat and talked about some stuff and went through the warmups and basics.
We went around Bristol and tried setting times for each other. My fastest time to get from one side of Bristol to another was 17 minuets.

"I saw the stream lastnignt." I heard zack say

"And what did you think of it?" I asked

"Well I liked pandrew because I knew it was you geo guesser was good and when Sparkles* said he was wearing his pikachu onsie."

"He was and he look better as a pikachu." I said "did you like pandrew though."

"Hell yeah at first I didn't know it was you but when you started whinging about your noodles I knew it was you because you love potnoodles. Then you started singing, that was when I knew it was you." He said. I looked at my phone to see what time it was 3:39pm

"Crap I've got to go it was nice talking to you, same time tomorrow." I said in a rush.

"Yeah sure same time tomorrow." He said and then kissed me on the cheek. I ran off and got to the house before yogtowers. I slid down the gutter piping and ran through the main doors, into the lifts and slammed the button with the number seven on it. I looked at my phone 3:58pm. Phew just in time. I took my gloves off and put them in my pocket with my phone just as the doors opened.

"I'm back." I said as I walked into the common room.

"But you didn't leave." I heard Kim say

"I did. I was outside enjoying the fresh air with Zack."

"Whoes Zack." I heard mum ask

"What were you doing outside?" Kim asked

"Zack is an old friend from when I lived in the orphanage. And I was outside enjoying the fresh air." I said. I'm never going to tell them I'm a parkorer because they will pursuade me to stop doing it because they will think I'll break my neck. "I was on the roof of yogtowers."

"Theres a way up there?" I heard Kim say. "How do you get up there?"

"Thats for me to know and I think you might be able to get up there if you got out more. Just saying it involves climbing." I said just dropping suttle hints but I don't think they have picked them up yet.

Sparkles* P.O.V

"Oh my god." I thought. I know its bad to easdrop but its her. The shadow on the roof. That is the nickname for all parkorest in bristol.
I walked into the conferance room and said "hey Elissa. I need you for a bit in the livestream control room."

"Ok Sparkles* I'll be there in a minuet." She said. I walked back to the livestream control room. About a minuet later she came in. How was I going to say this.

"Elissa, I know your a parkorest." I said

"How? How do you know?" She asked.

"The clues. The gloves, the fact you were on the roof, climbing." I said

"Was it that obvious." She muttered

"Only to a smart person or a true parkorest." I said

"Well them you are smarter than you look." She said

"No you are a shadow. I am the night stalker." I said.

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