Nearly livestream time!

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Lewis' P.O.V

Once we sorted out the little argument that went on between Martyn and Elissa we all went back to doing what we were doing which was recording moonquest. When we got back to the computers we were all dead god dam creepers. Once we had respawned we got our stuff back the yogscast way aka gamemode1.

Hannah's P.O.V

I went back to Elissa's office with her and we had a chat mainly on livestreams
"Have you seen any of our livestreams before." I asked
"Yes and I have a bit of an idea of how they work. You have two facecams, a greenscreen, two monitors and a tv screen." She said well she knows the set up so it wouldnt take too long for her to know how everything will work then.
"You also have three screens. The first one is the honeydew drive. The second one is the gaming screen and the last one is the livestream has finnished but you can still donate at www. Whatever." Ok so she knows a bit more than I thought.
"Can I ask who are you drawing on your wall?" I asked
"Nope and your going to have to wait untill it is finnished to see it." She said.
"But I want to see it now." I begged acting like a five year old.
"Nope but you can keep me company and we can talk." She said.

Elissa's P.O.V

It was getting to three pm so Hannah had to go and record outlast with Kim. Once she had gone I put the volume onto full blast and started to sing along to some of the songs and everytime one of them had finnished I looked round to see if anyone was recording me. By 6pm I have finnished me, Hannah, Lewis, Simon, Kim, Kaeyi, Duncan and Martyn that was when hannah came into my office saying "do you want to help Sam and Sparkles set up the stream."
"Hell yeah. How hard can it be."

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