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Elissa's P.O.V

At the barados I feel at home. I dont feel different, strange, weak, freak or a geek. It turns out we all have yogscast in common. I found it funny to watch some of the convosations. That was untill Zack said

"if you dont believe me then ask Elissa. Shes hannahs and lewis' daughter. She will know."

I mentaly faceplamed myself but before I knew it everyone crowded round me. I didn't like the attention I was getting but luckilly it was getting to four. Before anyone could ask anything I said

"I have to go. I have to go home." After I said that I climbed out the window, up the piping and made my way back to yogtowers. I, once again, landed outside Martyns window but he didn't ask questions this time he just let me in. I ran back to my office and carried on painting I was about half done, with the first half. By then I had finnished Panda, Rithian, Nilsey, Zoey and Minty. I got a notifacation that the livestream was about to start so I got my pencil and sketch book and waked down to the control room where I found Sparkles* was all ready there. I took my normal seat and started drawing. After an hour I drew an attack on deadlox picture which was Erens clothes from attack on titan and deadlox's minecraft skin. It got to eleven o'clock and I was really tired so I called lewis and he came and picked me up. I think I fell asleep in the car because I was in a black void but I saw a bright light. I was in a gray room, with one window, a large door with a bolt lock on it and the little girl I have seen in other nightmares. She said

"You left him no choice. He killed your family, your friends and took you. Get ready for a lifetime of pain, suffering and hunger, because thats all your getting."

She then changed into him. He went out the room and locked the door. He then, to tease me, threw a bit of bread at me, just out of reach. I moved towards it to find he had chained my hands to the wall. I used different ways to try and get to it but they all failed. I tried untill I couldn't take the pain anymore and my body fell limp.

I woke up and looked at my clock. 03:30. "Why do I wake up at rediculous times. I need a better dream." I thought. "Might as well talk to Kaeyi, Martyn and Sparkles*." When I thought of them and eventually saw them they were asleep. "Good job. Looks like your going to be talking to yourself then." It got to four and I got my IPad out. I watched IHasCupQuake, SkyDoesMinecraft, Deadlox, Ssundee, Burtgasm, Pewdiepie and BajanCanadian untill the sun came up.

At least its a week till christmas.

(A/N: I am writing a new book based on the events that go on in the area11 songs and I should have posted the chapter. If you havent listened to the songs do so or you might not understand some of the stuff that goes on in the story. Thanks for reading this story and I will still update this one.

It is called all the lights in the sky. For those who dont know why I called it that it is because that is the name of the album all of the songs are on.


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