We nearly got found out by martyn

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Sparkles* P.O.V

God! I love parkoring. Im glad Elissa got me back into it. Now I remember the rush of jumping building to building. Seeing other people do the same. Seeing Elissas blond hair getting blown back by the wind as she run and Zacks short brown hair getting pushed back by the wind as well. I looked at my watch. 4:18pm. Crap.

"Elissa we need to head back to the offices!" I yelled

"Why? What time is it?" She asked as she ran back

"4:20. Look it's nearly dark and were half way across bristol." I told her

"Crap. Come on I know a short cut." She said.

"Fine just as long as it takes less than ten minuets." I said.

"See you tomorrow Zack. We really have to go now!" She said panicing a bit. She lead me across the roof tops and a building before yogtower we slid down the pipe and lept across to someones office ledge. Crap it was Martyns office. Elissa got up on the ledge and tapped on the window. Errm I saw Kaeyi come to the window, when Elissa got in she and Kaeyi helped me up. I tumbled into the office and looked around to see if anyone saw us. No one. After a bit of time Martyn came into his office.

"Hey Sparks! What are you doing in here?" He asked

"Oh nothing I was looking for you to see what games you wanted to play for the livestream tonight and I saw Kaeyi was here." I managed to make a lie out of, I knew we were going to play super mario world but what ever keeps our secret safe.

Elissa's P.O.V

Crap I thought we were going to get found out by Martyn. Im glad Kaeyi knows our secret. After I heard what I think was Sparkles* lieing, I went back to my office and plaied minecraft for a bit. I was nearly done with the second floor of the mansion when I got an alert that the livestream was about to begin. I save and closed minecraft before walking to the livestream control room. While walking there I was watching the advert/promotion video for "The Dream Team Livestream". I hate the fact Martyn had to drop Kaeyi. When I got there it was only me there, everything was set up when I heard Martyn say "Ok Elissa. Make the livestream go live." I set the twitch broadcast going and said back to him "Ok you are now live."

Ok Elissa you are now in charge of the full livestream.

Dont. Fuck. Up!

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