The heart brake chapter

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Martyn's P.O.V

After Elissa left I went back to my flower. I'm hopping to give it Kaeyi because it's beautiful and sweet like her. I found an old pot to put it in and I think Elissa watered it earlier. I was recording a video when Elissa was at my window luckily I didn't have facecam on but I pointed to the computer screen and mouthed "five minuets." She nodded and stood on the ledge outside my window. I finnished my video and let Elissa in.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I have a plan." She said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"About the elements. But you have got to come with me and you can't tell anyone or come into the city untill you have control over the power." She explained

"When do we have to go?" I asked

"Now, but I will let you pack somethings and be outside your apartment in twenty minuets." She said

"Oh ok. I need to give Kaeyi this flower and pack somethings then." I said dissapointingly. I dont want to leave Kaeyi, Toby, Yogscast, the saplings, anything but if I want control over my powers then I'll have to go.

"Ok can I make a video saying that I'll be going for sometime."

"Sure just make it under five minuets long and something that you can render and put out tomorrow." She said.

I made my video, edited it, rendered it and put it onto youtube to go live at 5PM. I picked up the flower and walked out the door with Elissa following. I took one last look at the room and locked the door.

We walked to my apartment where I unlocked the door and walked in, to my surprise Kaeyi wasnt in, which made saying goodbye a bit easier, so I left a note which said

"To kaeyi

I leave this flower as a goodbye.

Just remember that I will always love you

Im not cheating on you I just have to go

For reasons I can't tell you.

It rips my heart out to say goodbye but look

At this as a see you later

Love from stinky.

P.s remember to water the flower

And talk to it, it might seam crazy but it loves it

When someone talks to it. I will always love you"

I packed some clothes and pictures into a backpack as well as the ecensials. I looked back at the place I had called home for less than a month and then the flower. I sighed. I turned away, closed the door and locked it. I havent even gotten out of the building and I all ready miss Kaeyi.

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