Part 5

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Next day morning.

Khushi stretched in her sleep without opening her eyes and felt her body was being arrested. She opened her eyes and appalled seeing her husband was hugging her by one hand and another one was for supporting his head. He was looking at her teasingly. She couldn't come out of his clutch.

Arnav: Good morning.

Khushi(looking at somewhere): Leave me...

Arnav(smilingly): I didn't marry you to leave.

Khushi: please leave me...

Arnav: why? You are my wife, right?

Khushi: you are making me embarrassed.

Arnav: you too, but in the opposite way. I want to be with you and you want to go away from me. it's hell embarrassing Khushi. ( he said calmly)

Khushi: I..i.. need time. (she stammered)

Arnav: Ohh, then say it looking at me.

Khushi: leave me.

Arnav: No, I won't leave you until you see my face.

Khushi(slowly turning her face and looking at him): leave me.

Arnav: with the smile. ( he said smilingly)

Khushi(sighed and taking a few seconds to compose herself): leave me. She said with an artificial smile.

Arnav: you look so good when smiles even if it is an artificial one.

Saying he released her and she hurried to the washroom. When Khushi came out Arnav started following her closely wherever she goes which irritated her to the core.

Khushi(frowning): what?

Arnav: Nothing. (he said like really he did nothing)

Khushi: why are you following me like this?

Arnav: I just am roaming in my room. That's all.

Khushi: You are disturbing me.

Arnav: Did I touch you? Did I talk to you? No right? Then why are you feeling disturbed?

Khushi was speechless. What the hell questions were these? She went from there without saying anything followed by Arnav. He followed her till the kitchen and stopped seeing his mother there. He pleaded Ratna by joining his hands to leave for sometimes. At first, Ratna glared at him and seeing his pleading face,

Ratna(looking at Khushi): I will just come giving coffee to Arvind.

Khushi nodded ok and Ratna left the kitchen while showing her index finger to Arnav in a warning manner. Arnav winked at her. He came and stood behind Khushi without touching her but giving the feeling that he was standing very close to her.

 He came and stood behind Khushi without touching her but giving the feeling that he was standing very close to her

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