Part 10

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Khushi entered the AR with Arnav and Arvind. Khushi saw AR's change to pin-drop silence which was noisy before few seconds. Staff greeted their Bosses. Arvind accepted that unlike Arnav who looked rough in his expression. Khushi got confused seeing him like that. It was another side totally opposite to his HOME AVATAR. He directly went to his cabin and Arvind asked Aman to show her cabin which was beside Arnav. She frowned when she came to know that.

Aman: Arvind sir himself wants you here Bhabi.

Khushi nodded yes. She settled down as fast as she could. That's when she saw a girl who was in a minimum clothe standing outside of Arnav's cabin and Khushi stiffened. The Girl was checking the file which was in her hand. She was restless. Fear was clearly visible in her face. Finally, she knocked on the door and entered after getting his permission.

Khushi was watching them through the glass wall. Arnav was working on his laptop. He didn't even lift his head and see who was standing in front of him.

Girl: ASR this file needs your approval.

Arnav: keep it. ( he said without seeing her)

She kept it on the table and went. Khushi saw the girl was huffing after coming out. Arnav took the file and started going through it. His expression changed in jiffy devilishly. He screamed. Khushi was taken back jerking.

Arnav: Lavanya.....

The same girl rushed inside in few seconds. He threw the file on her face

Arnav: what the hell is this? If you can't even give the exact chart of my report then why the hell are you working here?

Lavanya stood there all scary. Khushi felt pity for the girl.

Arnav: I'm giving twenty minutes until then make it possible or resign your job.(he said in the same irritation)

La rushed out of the cabin after gathering the file. Khushi was shocked seeing him like this? She doesn't even know that he gets angry. He never showed his angry on her even when she asked him divorce. He again surprised her by composing himself and continued his work casually. But she had a doubt that what if it was a drama to make her believe him? That's when Arvind came to Khushi's cabin.

Arvind: Hope you settled well here?

Khushi(nodded yes): Jee uncle.

Arvind: You can ask anything to me and Aman, anytime. But don't deal with chotte here. He is something that you can't handle. He smiled at her and went off.

Khushi was dumbfounded. She looked at Arnav who was engrossed in his work. She started her work which was determined for her. It was a break time she went to the washroom and stopped by someone's talk.

Girl: I can't believe this ASR is still the same after having his wife here, HITLER.

Girl2: How could you expect changes from him? BITTER GOURD remains always bitter, right? will it taste sweet even with sugar syrup or what?

Girl1: Seems like she is also the same without a smile in her face. Mrs. HITLER.

Girl2: Exact JACK and JILL.

Girl1(irritatingly): don't know even he smiled at their first night or not.

Girl2: He and smile? No way. I think that's why she looks stony for marrying this FROWNY.

Girl1: Always CYNIC.

Girl2: But he smiled on their marriage day right?

Girl1: Maybe that's because of society's attention to show, that he is happy.

I DON'T LIKE U COZ U R TOO HANDSOME (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now