Part 19

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Part 19

Khushi: We are leaving and that's final.

Arnav(clutching her hand): we will, not now itself but tomorrow. Please don't embarrass your Mom. Think about your Bhabi. How low she would feel.

At last Khushi agreed by nodding her head. Arnav went to the closet and came back with the GEL taking it from the first aid kit. He made Khushi sit on the bed and he sat next to her. He took her right hand; it looked like a RED CARPET. Arnav raised his eyelash and looked at her like "what you have done to your palm?" He started applying the gel on it. Khushi was weighed down. Her palm really got hurt when she slapped Shyam. She was suffering in burning sensation since the time she hit. She can't resist from asking Arnav.

Khushi: How do you know that I'm hurt?

Arnav(sternly): I know you hurt from in and out. (Coming back to his teasing mode) Anyone could easily say that, seeing your Brother's cheek. The mark on his cheek is enough to know you are also equally hurt. It's not a slap but a thunder. (he chuckled so did Khushi) Do you know? Any Astrologer could say your future by seeing Shyam's face as your every palm lines are there on his face.

Khushi couldn't hold her laugh and she laughed wholeheartedly. Arnav admired her like ever before. Because this is the first time, he was the reason for her happiness. Khushi was embarrassed seeing him admiring her.

Arnav: why did you slap him?

Khushi(confusingly): Why means? Do you want me to leave him just like that?

Arnav(nodded no): I'm not asking about Shyam here. What made you get angry with him?

Khushi(controlling her anger): How dare he? How could he think of you like that? (she blurt out forgetting that she is talking with Arnav Singh Raizada)

Arnav(calmly): Do you like me that much? (Khushi was tongue tide.) Do you remember what did you say to Shyam? (Really she has no idea what she said in anger) You said that you will kill him if he says one more word about me. I will also do the same if anyone will dare to speak about my wife. So you also love me as much I love you?

 So you also love me as much I love you?

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How clever he was. He wants her answer at the same time he is also conveying his LOVE for his wife here. Khushi was looking at him lacking her breath.

Arnav: Why? (he read her expression by taking a second) You don't like me. You want to end this relationship. You are searching for evidence against me to make it possible. At the same time, you can't tolerate a single word AGAINST ME. What was that? What's the place am I having in your heart? (he was so calm when he arrowed those question)

 What was that? What's the place am I having in your heart? (he was so calm when he arrowed those question)

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I DON'T LIKE U COZ U R TOO HANDSOME (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now