Part 25

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Part 25

Arnav and Khushi arrived RM. Ratna was busy in the kitchen. Khushi thought that she was preparing Arnav's favorite food as he was going to London. Ratna came out and saw them.

Ratna: Guys you came?

Arnav: yes mom.. I want to pack my stuffs...

Ratna: Khushi beta can you help chotte in packing?

Khushi(nodded her head yes): Jee aunty.

Saying she went to their room.

Ratna sensed that Khushi was not ok. she asked Arnav by her eyes "what's wrong?" and Arnav shrugged his shoulder. That's when a guy came to RM and handed over the box which was wrapped in a golden sheet.

Guy: Aman sir sent it to you sir.

Arnav: Thank you.

Ratna: It came?

Arnav: yah.

Ratna: You are running out of time. Go to your room. Spend your valuable time with your wife. Do something useful beyond flirting.(she teased)

Arnav(chuckled): Do you think, is flirting not useful?

Ratna: we will get to know only when you get the output.

Arnav chuckled and wrote something smilingly on the Label which was being pasted on the box. He came inside the room and saw Khushi was packing his stuff. He extends the box to Khushi who looked at him with questioning eyes.

Khushi: what's this?

Arnav: stop questioning. Open it and see.

He took her hand and kept the box on it. He purposely turned his face pretending like he was not looking at her. Khushi's face brightened seeing the label.

"A simple gift to "precious gift of my life"

She was struggling to veil her blush by folding her lips. Arnav was hopping from inside didn't show it to her as his mother insisted he do something useful than flirting.

Khushi lifted her head and looked at him who was facing his back to her. She unfolded the pack and found an iPhone in it. She knew why he was gifting her. That's when he could talk to her when he goes to London.

As he heard her mind voice,

Arnav: I didn't give it to talk to you. Don't worry. I won't disturb you. I'm giving this space to you to enjoy. Be happy without my torture.

She looked at him shockingly. Won't he call her? Really he can do it? No, he can't stop himself from talking to her. He can't be quite without teasing her. But... what if he really will stop talking? For the whole month? That mere thought itself tear her heart. She gulped.

Khushi: Then why are you giving me?

Arnav: To talk to your Mom. I know you would like to talk to her every day. So you need one. Your Teddy is also here. And I told Mom to send you to your Mayka every weekend. So you will get some time for your Mom and Bhabi. If you need anything then you can ask Aman. He will do whatever you want.

Khushi was overwhelmed by his concern. She felt like her throat was getting barren. She was looking at him like ever before.

Khushi(couldn't hold): You told me once that you won't leave me alone? Wherever I go, you will be there? You gave an example of RAM and SEETHA? Seems like, it's gone into the air? That's all just for an argument?

Arnav(smiling): I'm not going for FOURTEEN YEARS like RAM did. Why I'm thinking that you started missing me already?

Khushi(looking at somewhere): why should I? will anyone miss the person who irritates all the time?

Arnav: You will miss when you will start thinking like, those disturbances are nothing but LOVE.

Khushi: I don't think so.

She said stammering yet her eyes welled up.

Arnav(with raised eyebrows): yah I know. You won't agree even if you feel it. Such a stubborn you are.

Khushi: Then, why are you hell-bent to create LOVE in my heart?

Tears slipped from her eyes.

Arnav(calmly): I'm not trying to create love. I just try to make you understand my love for you. But the "point" you utter just now is even surprising for me.

Khushi was trembling in her own web. She was continuously hinting her thoughts about her husband unknowingly. They heard knock. Hp was on the doorstep.

HP: Maji called you both. Khushi Bhabi's family is here.

Arnav shifted his gaze to Khushi who was totally nervous. He knew how she feels right now. She never wants her father and brother around her and definitely not at her Mayka. She couldn't pretend like she is fine with them. At the same time, she couldn't let her in-laws feel bad by her gestures towards those men. Her Mayka people's sudden visit made her panic. She had no idea that Arnav was sensing her uneasiness. He took two steps to reach her and dragged her for a gentle hug.

 He took two steps to reach her and dragged her for a gentle hug

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 Surely she needed one. She didn't deny nor reciprocate. She stood motionless until her husband made her comfortable. He made her lean on his chest while caressing her hair.

Arnav(lovingly): Khushi relax. Don't panic baby. I'm with you. I won't let you feel low. Trust me.

Don't know why, Khushi felt like crying on his chest as she was experiencing this divinely support for first time. Her hands reached his shoulder unknowingly for a strong clutch. She closed her eyes letting everything go dark around her. She could hear his heartbeat was getting louder as if he was transferring her nervousness into his heart. As time passes it felt like a "Lullaby" for her. Her clutch on his shoulder got loosened and she circled her hand around his waist hearing his heartbeat while closing her eyes. She had no idea how long she stood like that. Arnav felt blessed as he could calm her down for a while. They heard a footstep and Arnav got apart from the hug. Khushi opened her eyes like, a child who wakes up from her sleep and searching for her mother's warmth. They saw Anjali was getting inside the room.

Anjali: How is our surprise visit? She giggled.

She hugged Khushi in joy. Khushi stood there looking at Arnav doing nothing like a statue. Her hands slowly raised, caressing Anjali's back, looking at Arnav, keeping her cheek on Anjali's shoulder, giving the same feel to Arnav, as if she was not hugging Anjali but him... with all her emotions. Arnav gulped hard gazing at her. He just wanted to pull her into his arms to complete the hug as much as she wants. He remembered Shyam's words "she doesn't need to say anything, she can just give you "THAT LOOK" and you will know exactly what she is thinking". Yes, She has that supremacy.

His thousands of flirty words can't equalize her one deep look which conveys her feelings for him. He didn't know her Hazels have this much power to make him collapse in a jiffy. It made his knees go weak. She proved that "TOUCH" doesn't matter if HEARTS connected to each other. This one look is enough for him to crave for her till his death. He agrees that it's possible to kill someone without spilling blood if we can feel it by heart. But it will be worse than a murder. He heard Arvind was calling him and he left the room leaving his heart with his wife. 

To be continued...

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