Part 20

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Arnav didn't get any sleep. Today's incidents did not let him to sleep. He kept the pink teddy beside Khushi and kissed her forehead who was sleeping peacefully. He went to terrace and for his surprise he saw Shyam there. Shyam looked at him. Without saying anything he started moving downstairs. Arnav stopped him.

Arnav: Shyam..

Shyam: If your wife sees me with you then she will get angry. Please stay away from me.

Arnav: you are talking as if you only came to know about your sister just today? Didn't you know her before? Then why did you talk like that?

Shyam was about to leave from there but Arnav blocked his way.

Arnav: What is in your mind? Do you want to back check me, what am I loyal to your sister or not?

Shyam: I even know that before marriage you were loyal.

Arnav: Then why the hell you behaved so cheap?

Shyam: It's not a matter of whether I knew about you or not but my sister should know who really you are. (Arnav was stunned) I knew she was watching us, not only today but every time she keeps doing that in the fear that I will change you.

Arnav: when you know she is watching then why did you make her angry?

Shyam: She is angry with me for long, it doesn't matter and no one could change that ever. I tried to make her realize what YOU mean to her. We know how Khushi is. She hates men. I was delighted when I came to know that you liked my sister. I believed that one day she will also like you. Today I witnessed it. I'm sorry Arnav. We put your life at risk just because of my sister's future. But believe me, she is very lovable. If she loves you once then she will never let you go down like today until you ruined your reputation and I know there is no chance for that in your life.

Arnav: Look like you know very well about your sister, then why you followed your father's step?

Shyam: Bad friendship, Age, etc., etc., but I shattered when I came to know my sister wants to stop my marriage. I felt so low and I stopped everything that day itself. (he smiled painfully) I know she will try to stop your marriage too. So I insisted my father to lie that you know about her hatred so that she would stop her action. Or else she wouldn't have married you.

Arnav: why don't you try to talk to her?

Shyam: She won't believe. That's what Khushi is. If she loses her trust for once then she won't give a chance until her last breath. (Arnav raised his eyebrows in surprise) Be careful not only in the matter of girls but in everything. She is so vulnerable by heart so she shields it by hatred.

Arnav: I will talk to her..

Shyam: Noooo. Don't. she won't like if you take my side and she will start doubting on you just because you are supporting a bad guy. Please never do that. It will be like you are trying to change the sea water's taste. Totally waste of time. I can't say that she loves you but I'm damn sure she RESPECTS you more than anything. Please don't spoil her faith. She is not what you think. She is very deep in her heart. Very loyal, very sensitive, very emotional, very lovable, the only problem is she expects the same from everyone.

Arnav(chuckled): Do you think she will stays in this relationship? (he just wanted to get some points about Khushi.)

Shyam: If she wants to get out of this marriage then she would have done that long before. She is still in this relationship then she wants to give a chance to it. She won't be with you if she didn't trust you. She is highly self-protective because she fears that you will deceive her. She never hurries in to make major judgments and makes it complicated to get close thoughtfully because once she lets you in, she would never let you go. Sometimes she doesn't need to say anything, she can just give you "THAT LOOK" and you can understand exactly what she want to say. She won't open her heart to you right away but communicates her love by doing things for you like she hit me today.

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