Part 14

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Part 14

Khushi was sitting in her room looking at her Mom's photo. Ratna who was passing their room saw that and came inside. Khushi wiped her tears instantly and smiled at Ratna. Ratna touched her cheek. She could feel the wetness. Was she crying? She took the pic from her hand and looked at that. It was Garima's pic.

Ratna: Are you missing your Mom?

Khushi(hugged her): I have never left her for more than a day. This is the first time I'm away from her for long.

Ratna(caressing her head): These are unwritten rules for women Beta. Your tears won't change anything. Try to understand. But don't worry. I will talk to Chotte and send you to your Mayka. Ok?

Khushi: Really? Will he agree?

Ratna: He will. I will make him agree.

Khushi: Thank you, aunty. You are such a sweetheart.

Ratna(chuckling): But I don't like my Bahu's tears. Understood?

Khushi nodded happily. Ratna left from there to talk with her son who was in Study with his father discussing something important. Khushi was hopping in excitement. Finally, her plan worked. It will be good to stay away from her husband for some days. She could search for some more excuse to extend her stay at GH after entering there. Lard Governor won't deny his Mother for sure. Now it will be fun. She smiled proudly thinking at her own skill.

After a while, Arnav entered into their room all upset. He didn't say anything. Khushi fairly confirmed her stay at her mayka. Ratna came there, she also looked gloomy.

Ratna: Khushi beta, Pack your stuff for one week and you can go tomorrow directly from the office. Khushi rushed to her and hugged.

Khushi: Thank you so much aunty.

She said looking at Arnav who turned his face feeling totally helpless. He didn't talk to her nor look at her. It feels different.

Khushi felt alone for the first time even after having her husband beside on the bed. Is that much hard? Facing the silence of the person who blabbers all the time? She shrugged those thoughts and drift into sleep not only with the joy of going to her Mayka, but also going away from her husband.

Next day

There was no difference in Arnav's behavior from yesterday. He looked stony. Khushi felt bad when he refused to talk with Ratna. They should have had argued about her mayka visit. Khushi really felt poor for Ratna. She conveyed it by her facial expression to Ratna. She gestures her in return to relax.

Khushi: I'm sorry aunty because of me he is giving you cold shoulder.

Ratna: He will be alright Beta. Sometimes he behaves like an adamant kid as if I snatched his favorite toy. (Pause) I really think I'm snatching his favorite toy. "YOU". (She chuckled) He loves you so much. That's why he can't tolerate this little separation too. You are going to see his happiness when you return back from your Mayka.

Khushi felt guilty for cheating this pure soul. She hugged Ratna, unable to face her.

Ratna (whispering): Psychological Hug? (She broke the hug and kissed at her forehead.) Be happy. I don't want to see my Bahu sad. I will take care of chotte. Ok?

In Khushi's mind, a weird thought started weaving. "Can't she be keeping in touch with Ratna, even after getting separated from Arnav?" She was restless when she thought about Ratna. She was a motherly figure. No Daughter in law ever gets such a selfless soul. She was happy when she witnessed Garima and Anjali's ease. But she knew whatever Garima showed on Anjali was not just an affection but also sympathy. Ratna was not coming into that category. There was no hidden reason for her love. Khushi felt it from day one when she met Ratna. She was reluctant to lose Ratna's relationship. No matter Khushi couldn't ignore a love when it was from WOMEN.

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