Part 6

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Khushi arranged the breakfast table with Ratna. Arvind and Arnav came and sat in their respective place. Ratna and Khushi joined them after serving. Before Khushi start to eat Arnav caught her hand under the table and started eating casually. Khushi was trying to set her hand free but nothing worked. Arvind looked at her and understood that his son was playing with his wife. He signaled Ratna to not look at them and she followed so. They didn't want to intrude into their incorrigible son's subject. They finished their breakfast and went off as if there was no one except them which made Khushi dropped her jaw.

After that Arnav forwarded a morsel to Khushi's mouth and she turned her face into the opposite side.

Khushi: what kind of behavior is this? Totally mischievous.

Arnav: I didn't even start my mischievous yet Mrs. Khushi Arnav. I don't think if a husband wants to feed to his wife could consider as mischievous.

Khushi: But everything has its limits. Not in front of elders.

Arnav: Ok, I'm sorry. Now eat.

Khushi(rolled her eyes): Why won't you understand my uneasiness?

Arnav: How could I, until you open it up to me?

Khushi: When did you give me a chance to do so?

Arnav: Ok have your breakfast and come to our room.

Saying he went to their room. Khushi started eating slowly thinking that how to start. She finished and came to their room. Arnav was over a call. He saw Khushi waiting for him to talk and his eyebrows raised in amusement.

Arnav(while cutting the call): Wow. Finally, you got the courage to come to me? (He said teasingly)

Khushi: Ji. I came with COURAGE. ( She told while looking down)

Arnav could sense something different in her face, tone and look. But he has no idea in which state she was standing. He was about to say something and stopped hearing his wife's stance which poured a LAVA in his ears.

Khushi: I want a divorce.

Arnav chuckled in disbelief while shaking his head NO.

Arnav: You are playing with me right?

Khushi nodded NO looking down.

Arnav: Khushi, this is not funny. Ok?

Khushi(with remorse): I really mean it. Free me from this marriage.

Arnav(gulping his disbelief): Khushi I'm sorry if I hurt you. But this is not a way to hit back. He said painfully.

Khushi was looking at him when her eyes poured a river of tears. That's it. He dragged her to the terrace doesn't want his parents to hear any rubbish which was going between them. He twirled her to face him with extreme anger and clutched her shoulders.

Arnav(yelling): what the hell are you asking Khushi? Why the hell? What's bloody wrong with you? It's just two days of our marriage and you want a divorce? Why? (pause. He thought something)

 He thought something)

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