Part 22

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It was a hectic day for Khushi because of AR's upcoming project. Being a head designer of the crew she was ought to finish the project in time. She didn't even get time to have her lunch at proper time. It was Arnav who insisted her to have it as usual. That day took Khushi for its own. She should have finish loads of work which required for the next event. she was putting her effort in extreme. It's already six and Aman came to Khushi.

Aman: Bhabi it's getting late. You can continue it by tomorrow.

Khushi: No Aman. You can leave. I will make myself comfortable. You no need to stay for me.

That's when they heard Arnav.

Arnav: yah Aman. You no need to stay as I'm here.

Aman(with relief): Thank you ASR. You guys carry on. (he left)

Khushi was looking at Arnav wearily while making face.

Arnav(smirking): Don't worry. I won't disturb you. I will be there in my cabin. Call me if needed.

Khushi sighed in relief. Arnav went off smilingly. Khushi continued her work taking her own time without any tension as she was highly secured by her husband. Though she won't agree yet her heart won't deny. She didn't even notice that its dinner time until Arnav entered into her cabin with boxes which were sent by Ratna.

Arnav: Khushi have your dinner and continue.

Khushi: I will have it later.

Arnav: Khushi...

Khushi(cutting him): The touch on the work will break if I take a break. Please understand. Don't pressurize me.

Arnav: Ok fine. you carry on.

Arnav didn't say anything and started opening the box and made the plate he came and stood next to her. He forwarded a morsel towards her mouth. Khushi rolled her eyes.

Arnav: Don't start your argument then definitely you will lose your touch from the work. So without giving any damn to anything just have your food and continue your work.

Khushi supposed to say something, Arnav stuffed the first morsel and she had no choice to deny. She chewed the morsel and it was really good in tease. She didn't eat anything properly from the morning. So it's obvious that she was in excessive hunger. She continued her work and Arnav waited with the next morsel. He fed her patiently but gladly. Khushi didn't observe that she ate extra quantity than usual. Arnav didn't seem to eat as his heart and mind already filled with satisfaction. But he should have to eat something to skip his sleep. He couldn't sleep tonight as he has to do something.

Khushi's condition was a miserable one. she didn't want to break the touch from work that's why she thought to skip food. But she lost the touch when her husband started feeding her the first morsel itself. Though she didn't stop her work but she didn't get the output, what she accurately planned. She was struggling to get the exact output, seems like she wasn't care about it. It can be done again. But what she got from her husband was perfect. She never witnessed those scenes in her so-called home, be it with her mother or Bhabi. These were mere dreams for those ladies. They craved for one warm look from their respective partners which they never got. Here her husband was feeding her like she was his child who couldn't bear her hunger at least for a while.

She was damn disturbed. Though her hands were doing something called WORK. But her mind and heart were surrendered to the person who was admiring her sitting in front of her.

She couldn't take it anymore. In fact, she was wasting her time. She wouldn't get her planned output for sure. Then what was the point in doing that? It will be better if she sleep than wasting time in useless work. She could do it tomorrow with a fresh mind if she takes some rest. She winded up and packed her things. Arnav saw her winding up.

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