Part 33

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Part 33

Arnav was heading to his cabin to surprise Khushi and he stopped hearing Aman's talk on the call who was facing his back to Arnav.

Aman(on-call): I feel divine, whenever you call me by cute "nicknames". It gives me a special feeling you know?

Arnav smirked and suddenly his face became rough thinking something. How Khushi calls him? He couldn't remember anything as she never called him by any name. What the... Yes, she never uttered his name at least once. He was agitated. How could a wife be without calling her husband's name? It's fine if it was not ARNAV. But couldn't she call him by some other name? He came to her cabin and she was not there. He came back to Aman's cabin and got irritated seeing him still on the call.

Aman(on-call): You know, the name AMMU is drowning me into the ocean of happiness.

He said dreamingly unaware that his boss was getting mad on him. Not only mad but also Jealous on him.

Arnav: What the...

Aman pulled back by his shout.

Aman: ASR? When did you come? Where were you?

Arnav: Stop inquiring me. Where is Khushi?

Aman: She already left with Arvind sir.

Arnav(shocked): What? But why so earlier?

Aman: How could I question my Senior Boss and Mrs. Boss?

Arnav rolled his eyes and left to his cabin. He dialed Khushi's number and she picked it in third ring.

Arnav: Why did you leave the office without informing me Khushi?

Khushi: Aunty called me to come home and you are not in the office. Uncle told me he will talk to you later. So I left with him.

Arvind took the phone from her hand.

Arvind: Chotte you know Ratna's friend's son Ajay right?

Arnav(without interest): yes I know him.

Arvind: I and Ratna are going to his first Wedding Anniversary party. So we thought to take Khushi with us.

Arnav(shockingly): What? You trio are going to the party? Mom didn't say anything or asked me to join you?

Arvind: How could she, when you are looking like an AGORY BABA? See you later. (He cut the call.)

Arnav's jaw dropped. He was hell frustrated. Here, he was trying hard to get a glimpse from his wife and his parents were hell bend in taking her with them? What so important party? Damn.

He decided what to do. He hurried to RM to get ready for the party. Won't it be a surprise for Khushi if she saw him without a beard? He came to RM and realized that his parents had already left. He sighed and headed to his room. Without wasting time, he went to the washroom to get fresh.

He came out and started dressing. He was surprised seeing Khushi was entering into the room fully ready. She looked gorgeous in saree. Why the hell on the earth she preferred dark color which highlights her marble skin? But why she was still here? Didn't she leave yet? Khushi was also surprised seeing him here and especially without beard. She smiled at him. Correction... she almost admired him standing there like a statue. Arnav closed the gap.

Arnav: Didn't you go to the party?

Khushi came out of her dream and looked at him.

Khushi: No. I dropped the plan because they are planning to continue the party til midnight. I have important work in the office tomorrow. So I backed off.

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