Part 32

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Part 32


AR was ready for a huge deal. Arnav wanted to bag that by hook or by crook. He selected Khushi to the task when he was in London as he was so much impressed by her hard work and CREATIVITY. She didn't fail his expectation. She proved herself by putting full effort to her level best. Arnav wanted her to bestow the presentation. Arnav trusted her capability that she would do it better than anyone. Khushi was relaxed because Arnav came to India before the presentation.

The presentation was conducted in a seven-star hotel as it was a prestigious one. Arnav, Khushi and Aman were occupied their respective seats as the presentation started. Every famous company were tried hard to show their creativity. There.... came AR' s turn. Khushi went in front of the smartboard. She sensed various gaze on her with respect except few, who were girls. She started her presentation and Mrs.Raizada packed everyone's heart by her smartness.

It was break time. Arnav wanted to make a call and he left the hall. he came a little aloof.

 After a while, Khushi also came out to take fresh air. She felt relieved as she already completed her presentation. That's when, those girls, who were with "weird look" reached her.

Girl1: Mrs. Khushi Raizada?

Khushi nodded yes.

Girl2: Beyond the Title "Mrs. Raizada" did you get anything from him?

Khushi frowned at them.

Girl1: Don't we know how he is in the case of women? (they laughed sarcastically)

Girl2: you would have understood that when he went to Landon within few days of your marriage (pause) alone.

Girl1: She would have been understood even before that... in their first night itself. I'm sure he would not have been even touched her for sure.

Girl2: Poor girl, she got trapped unknowingly just for his sir name, right?

Khushi was seething in rage like ever before. She wanted to punch those girls. They were about to leave, Khushi stopped them.

Khushi: Do you want to know that either he touched me or not? (Their laugh vanished seeing Khushi's reddened face) He touched me here (she pointed out her Heart.)DEEPLY. Girls like you can never understand that there is a matter which is called HEART. Marriage is not just a matter of touching the body. It's a matter of TOUCHING SOUL. No one could do that better than my Husband.

Saying she strode to the hall. A man who came out to attend the call witnessed the scene from behind the pillar was tongue-tied. Is she really his wife? "Pride" glared at his face which his beard was even failed to hide. Arnav followed her silently. After that, Arnav saw Khushi totally restless. She couldn't get enough of what she gave back to those girls. How dare they? Their dress that does not hide anything itself says how their values could be.

Definitely they would have tried to trap Arnav. As usual, he would not have given damn to them. That's why they are fuming in jealous seeing him with his wife. She was defending her husband. She wants to make them burn in jealous more. She will...

Presentation was over. People started getting dispersing. Mrs. Aradhana Thiwari who was there to attend the same presentation, appreciated Khushi for her well done performance. That's when Arnav saw Khushi was swaying. He was hell panicked and rushed to her. It dragged people's attention who were around them.

Arnav(touching her cheek): Khushi what happen to you? Are you Ok?

Khushi: I'm feeling dizzy.(she said maintaining to stand straight)

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