Part 18

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Part 18

"HUG". As per psychology, a woman needs it from her BELOVED ONE to feel secure, confident, peace and to feel like someone is there to share their grief. Whatever it is, now Arnav just want to give her the warmth of security and peace to her stormy mind.

Khushi was feared to death when her brother tried to drag her husband to his path. How could she let it happen? She could even kill Shyam to save her husband from that mire. She believed that her husband loves her. His love only belongs to her. She will go to any extent to save his love. What was the misery is she didn't know that she is doing all these things just because she already started falling for him.

Arnav was overwhelmed by Khushi. Her outburst on her brother was definitely unforeseen for him. He recalled Ratna's words. "What if she behaves violently?" Yes, she behaved so today. Dangerously violent. But she never showed it on Arnav. Did she know with whom she should behave violent? The pain on his shoulders tells how violent she was when she tried to hit Shyam. The effort he put to keep her in his control was something out of his judgment.

He remembered his own word "FORCE". It won't be that easy to force Khushi just like that. Maybe she was beyond the girl from FORCING. He felt delighted.

Why she was so soft towards him? Answer is, She is not a girl, who let out her frustration on everyone. She understands the difference. How wiser she is...

He sensed that she was calmed down. Khushi gets separated from the hug. She hurriedly came out and rooted seeing Shashi standing with guilt. Again her anger raised, she clutched his collar spitting lava in her eyes.

Khushi: Happy? Seeing your blood turned exactly like you? Because of you, your son is like this today. Following your footstep, he is also trying to change my HUSBAND. You made my mother cry, my Bhabi cry and I cry. Is it not enough? Will you get satisfied only after changing my Husband too? You are not a human. You are not a deserving person to be called a father. I came to know, you lied to get me married to him. I Hate you. (she exclaimed and rushed to her room and locked it from inside.)

Shashi stood there helplessly. His daughter talked with him after some years, but not in a way he wanted. It would have been better if she keeps her "no talks" policy then talking like this. Arnav felt very miserable for his father in law. He knew his wife's extreme hatred towards these men. It seems like he knew very few. It's something beyond the planet.

Shashi: I'm sorry Arnav. I'm really very sorry.

Arnav: I don't understand how to react uncle.

Shashi: I know by now you might get to know that I lied to Khushi to get her married to you. (Arnav nodded yes, without saying anything letting Shashi complete what he started.) Khushi was right. I might not be a good Human or a good Husband. But I wanted to be a good father. That's why I lied, because I know you. I believed that you will show her another side of Mankind.

Arnav(cutting him): But how could you take a risk knowing your daughter? What if it backfired?

Shashi: Yes I too doubted at first. But I relaxed when Arvind told me that you liked Khushi and you wanted to marry her. (Arnav raised her eyebrows in amusement.) Everyone knows if ASR gets into something then he will win by hook or by crook. (Arnav chuckled hearing his Father in law's confident) It's just about the image of a business deal than no need to think about your personal life. I'm sorry Arnav, I did wrong by putting your life in trouble.

I don't know why Shyam did something stupid. He was very much satisfied with your proposal. In fact, he was the one who insisted me to lie knowing his sister's move. But today he confused me. (saying he went to his room with the same confusion)

I DON'T LIKE U COZ U R TOO HANDSOME (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now