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  Aurora's POV

"Aurora!" Eliot called. "Wake up! You can't sleep all day today! You have company!" The minute he said company was the quick second my eyes opened and a smile spread on my lips. Who else could it be? I , ran a brush through my hair and threw a beanie over it the top so it covered up anything that was still frizzy. I've been using a curling iron on my hair in the morning lately because my hair is a frizzy mess twenty-four-seven. It just makes my hair come down in waves. Good enough for me. I smiled and ran down the stairs, past Caspian's room and past Asterion's room. Casper laughed, "Wow, it lives."

"Shut up, Casper." I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same in return. Ever since the war has been over things have been a lot more... childish. Like we can just be kids for awhile. I slid down the banister on my butt and walked into kitchen to see Harry. He had a rather on his face, standing next to Eliot, who was about a foot and half taller than him. I looked at Eliot and said, "Don't scare Harry off. Please. He's one of the only sane people left that come in this house." Eliot gasped with fake hurt, "And I'm not sane?"

"Yesterday you put whipped cream and a cherry on your nose and started singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." I replied. Harry choked down a laugh and Eliot sighed exasperatedly, "Fiiiiiinnnneee, be that way." I smiled and walked to Harry hugging him, "Hey."

"Hey. How are you?" I shrugged, answering, "Adjusting... You?" Harry was quiet for a moment then said, "Aurora, it's been three months and you haven't talked about it once." We pulled away from the hug and I looked at him shocked, "Three months already? It's just blowing by." Harry nodded, taking my hands, and muttering, "Are you sure you're okay...-?"

"The only one not okay here," Eliot interrupted, "is me. Cut it with the PDA in my kitchen." I smiled, "Fiiiinnnneeee," I teased back. "we'll go." I walked Harry out of the kitchen and back upstairs into my room. We sat on the bed and Harry asked again, "Aurora, she's your mother. I can't just settle believing that nothing is wrong and everything is completely fine. You've never been one for telling people your problems..."

I was quiet a moment then leaned back on the headboard of my bed, replying, "I don't know... It just doesn't seem real enough for me to feel anything. I feel kind of numb actually."

Harry was confused, "What do you mean 'not real enough?' You've gone to see her every week." I nodded, "I know. I was upset when it happened and I definitely know it's happening. But at the same time it feel like she's going to come in any minute and be like she was before. Before I was nine, before the war, before whatever made her come up with the idea to kill herself but not herself." Harry was quiet for a moment then looked away, muttering, "I can understand that... When I found out what happened to my parents, I would've taken what my aunt and uncle said over the reality."

"So, you understand...? Am I making this weird for you?" Hary shook his head a small smile etching on his face, "It's weird knowing that it's all over. But you're not making it weird." I smiled, leaned forward and kissed him softly for about two seconds. When I pulled away, Harry cupped my face and kept me from leaning back. I laughed, "Want me to stay, Potter?"

Harry smirked, "Please."

I smiled again and kissed him one more time. The kiss was slow and longer than before and Harry had his hand on the back of my neck keeping me in place. Harry suddenly pulled away from my lips and muttered, "I love you." It took a moment for me to come to the realization that he had pulled away from me and I replied, "I love you too. But I'm not feeling the love after that." Harry smiled, chuckling and kissed my nose, asking, "Better?"

"Better." I smiled.


Harry and I Disapparated to The Burrow and Mrs. Weasley came out to hug us. "Harry, Aurora, I've missed you two so much!" You see, Harry has been cleaning up Number Twelve Grimmauld Place after Sirius left him the house and left me all of the diaries. I've almost finished them. There was so much going on with him, it wasn't funny. But, back to the point, Sirius left Harry the house so Harry had been cleaning it up. The first order of business was to wrap up Walburga Black's portrait and put it in the attic.

"Hello," George and Fred said in unision in a deep voice. I smiled, "Hello boys. How are you?"

"Excellent, thanks to you." Fred said. I shook my head, "I told you it was no big deal."

"Whatever you say..." George and Fred said, walking off.

Hermione came up to me and hugged me, exclaiming, "Oh my gosh, Aurora, I haven't seen you in weeks!" I smiled, hugging her back, "It's been a week, 'Mione. And I always owled you, didn't I, as promised?"

"Yes, but it's not the same," Hermione fake whined.

We pulled away from the hug and I hugged the rest of the Weasleys, along with Harry. Then we all ran upstairs and sat in Ron's room. "So..." Hermione began. "What do you think seventh year will be like without Voldemort?"

"...I don't know..." I muttered, biting on the inside of my cheek. "I wonder who our new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher will be. Snape was a good teacher but the other ones... Maybe we won't have a nutter this year."

Harry nodded, "What will Hogwarts be without Snape?"

We all thought about it for a second then Ron blurted out, "Fun. Carefree. Lifelike."

Wed couldn't help but laugh. Ron had a way of easing the mood. Even though the two of us don't always get along I like that about it. Then Hermione asked, "What will Malfoy be like this year?" All eyes went to me. I sighed and shrugged, "Well, I'm not really sure. I haven't talked to him in awhile."

"Wait, you haven't been talking to him or he hasn't been talking to you?" Harry asked, obviously concerned.

I shrugged, "A bit of both. We just sorta let each other find their own way after everything that happened. Our families are just as messed up so.... He's been dealing with that lately."

"My parents don't even remember me." Hermione added with a quiet rasp in her voice. "I think I'd rather be fighting with them then have them not know of my whole existence... At least then they'd realize I'm there..."

"..When it comes to my dad, I'd rather not have him realize I existed... I caused a lot of problems for him. And he's not too happy with me about that but.... I don't know..." I sighed. It was quiet for a moment, then Ron said, "This year is going to be awesome."

Harry smiled, "What do mean?"

"I reckon this year is going to be awesome for us. It's our seventh year too. So we might as well enjoy our last year." I nodded, smiling, "Okay. We have to promise to all enjoy our last year and make the most of it."

Harry: "Promise."

Ron: "Promise."

Hermione: "Promise."

Me: "Promise."

First chapter of the sequel to You Found Me.
What do you guys think?!
I suck at introduction and first chapters
but I thought this actually turned out decent.
Please comment and tell me what you think.


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