Chapter 4: Experimenting

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Aurora's POV

"As seventh years, you will soon be let to run wild and free into society," McGonagalll began. "Our job is to make sure you do not run into society behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." Try saying that five times fast... I thought. "So, to ensure that you go into the Wizarding World educated and knowing how to handle themselves, the Ministry of Magic sends mentors. If you chose to be work in one of the many offices, there will be a mentor for whatever you chose to do. Chose carefully. I recommend that you chose something you know will you enjoy doing for your working career. You will have two weeks to completely sort through your decision. There is no hurry. And no pressure."


"No pressure?!" Hermione exclaimed. "If we don't pass the N.EW.T.S. to begin with, then having a mentor will all be for nothing! How could she tell say there's no pressure?!" For once, on terms of school, I agreed with Hermione. If someone were to actually name a exams Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test then this means serious business. However, Hermione's overreacting on most terms doesn't help how I'm preparing for this.

"I'm not nervous," Harry said with a broad smile on his lips. "I put some thought into this during sixth year when Dumbledore told me I should consider going into the Ministry." I nodded, when he stopped talking, and asked, "And...?" He smiled, "And I decided I'd be an auror." I smiled, "I think you'd do good as an auror."

Ron nodded, a smirk on his lips, "Yeah, he's already got the dark-wizard-slaying-bad-ass part down."

Harry rolled his eyes, saying sarcastically, "Oh, yeah... Got this to prove it," he pointed to his scar.


I've been putting a lot of thought into this whole career thing. I'm not really sure what I want to be. There's so many things I could do. Luna was saying that our father had offered her The Quibbler. I know he would be furious if I came anywhere near his precious magazine. He can't stand the thought of me anymore... I think he wants to accept the idea of mother being dead over the reality. I think we all might want that.

"Miss Lovegood?" Professor Bond was waving his hand in front of my face, a smile on his face.

I snapped out of my trance, asking, "Hmm?"

"Do you even know what we're discussing?"

"Producing a Patronous." I answered.

"Good. You looked like," he smirked, "you were off in Potter Land." I blushed and shook my head, while others in the room laughed, "No, just thinking." Bond nodded with a sly smirk, "Uh huh. Anyways, partners. When I call your name stand with your partner."

Professor Bond tapped two people's heads at the same time as he called off the list of partners, "Longbottom and Finnigan, Potter and Zambini, Granger and Parvati, Lovegood and Malfoy, Granger and McGlaggen, Weasley and Parkinson, ugh..."

He thought for moment, brushing a hand over his stubbly chin in thought, "Nott and..." I tuned out the rest because I had to stand with Draco.

"Hey," Draco smiled.

"Hi," I made a small smile back.

Once breaking up into partners was done, Professor Bond began, "Okay, so, does everyone have a partner? You have an even class there should be an even amount of partners..." We all nodded, everyone having a partner and Bond continued, "Good. Now I broke you up in this particular way because I'm experimenting to see how you will work together. Your responsibility is now completely the other person. If your partner can produce a Patronous Charm in the next month then both of you have a "O" for this quarter of the year." Some people looked ecstatic, others Hermione and friends looked nervous. "Remember the spell is Expecto Patronum, please repeat it."

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