Chapter 1: Fresh Start

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Aurora's POV

Harry and I only realized how much we missed coming to Kings Cross Station every year when we were getting on the train with Ron and Hermione. Caspian and Asterion had run off and left us alone without saying goodbye. The joys of having brothers... As we walked through the train's thin isle and passed compartments, people greeted the trio and asked how they were and everything. Harry politely answered, "Fine, how are you?" most of the time and they would answer, "Good." I didn't bother making myself noticed. Harry really had helped everyone out and I didn't have to ruin the attention he was getting. When the trio went to sit in a compartment I stayed at the threshold and said, "I'm going to go check on some friends."

"Be careful," Harry said, hiding how much he didn't want me to run into Draco and epically failing. I smiled and kissed his hair to assure him it was okay then left. Walking further down the train, I walked past a compartment with Neville and Luna snogging inside. My feet had rooted themself into the ground where I gagged a bit, my face turning a deep shade of red even though they were cute together. I couldn't help but watched. Thank Merlin it wasn't.... Never mind. I forced my feet to move after reaching my max of disgust and I kept walking. What would you do if you just saw your sister snogging one of your friends?

Making my way into the Slytherin compartment, I received several glares from the few people who had decided to come back to repeat their last year. "Thanks for your help, Gryffinwhore." Pansy commented.

"Go ahead and stay up all night wondering why I didn't help you." I replied coolly.

Draco was sitting by himself and the realization that Pansy was on the opposite side of the Slytherin area made me think he told her to screw off. He didn't look quite in the mood to talk either but I sat down across from him without saying anything. He looked at me for a second and muttered, "I thought you would like to stay with Potter..."

"And leave out my best friend in the entire world, magical and muggle? You should know I wouldn't do that by now." I replied, looking out the window. Draco was quiet and I muttered, "Just because we can't be a couple doesn't mean we can't be friends, you know... I really like hanging out with you. You actually can be fun to have around."

"Meaning I'm a boring, pureblood, rich boy that has his way?"

The humor I was trying to have with him dropped and I replied, "No, because you're a "boring, pureblood, rich," cocky arse that doesn't take a compliment when he's offered two now. In the last ten minutes I've complimented you twice right?"

"Refresh my memory."

"I said that you're my best friend -which is a miracle I have friends- and that you're fun to have around. Less than ten minutes; two compliments." I smirked. "Then you turned it around and called me a cocky arse." Draco added, looking at me for the first time since I sat down.

"Yes. After you started being one."

"Fair enough. So when you're on your time of the month and you start being a bitch I can tell you you're being a bitch?"

"Do you have to suffer having a time of the month?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"No, I'm a guy." Draco furrowed his eyebrows like it was an obvious answer.

"Then hell no."

Draco chuckled and his laugh made me smile. The conversations I have with Draco Malfoy...

"What's 'hell no?'" Blaise asked, sitting down next to Draco. "Nothing," I answered. "How are you, Blaise?"

"Excellent." Blaise said widening his eyes. I rose an eyebrow, laughing, "Wow, Draco. Blaise Zambini just said he is excellent."

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