Chapter 13: Hearts and Interrogation

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Aurora's POV

Alone in my dormitory -or so I thought- I woke up to a light tickling on my face. I giggled and swished it away gently with my hand. I pulled my covers a bit higher up, trying to fall back to sleep, then it came again. I opened my eyes smiling wide and held my breath when Harry dove right in, and kissed me on the mouth. I kissed back knowing it was Harry, even though I was surprised. He pulled away, and breathed out a whisper, "Happy Valentines Day."

I smiled and whispered, "You know I hate Valentines Day..."

"Yes, yes, I do know that, but I don't hate Valentine's Day, and I shall kiss you now," he smiled again dipping in to kiss my lips again. I laughed under the kiss and pulled him into my bed with one tug. He gasped a laugh and cuddled next to me, kissing my cheek and neck in random places.

"So, what's all this about?" I asked.

He shook his head, whispering, "No particular reason, it's just Valentine's Day, love." I absolutely can't contain all the happiness when he calls me 'love.' He rarely does it but I don't mind when he doesn't. I cuddled against him, smiling lightly. We sat there together for a bit, just holding each other close, and intertwining our fingers together. He rested his head on my other pillow, his arm wrapped around my and my body completely held by his. Our eyes locked from opposite pillows and we started to kiss again. He plated gentle kisses against my neck, eventually getting rougher. I closed my eyes, groaned trying to hide how much I liked it. Even though I was trying to hide it, he read me like an open book and held the other side of my neck with his hand. A weird sound came from the back of my throat and Harry chuckled. Did I seriously just... moan? Okay, what has he done to me? After awhile he got rougher and rougher, until I was grabbing onto the back of his neck and doing "the sound" a couple times over.

He groaned, muttering, "You're driving me crazy," then rolled our close bodies over and kissed my collar bone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him closer with my eyes closed. It's hard for me to explain everything I feel all at once for him, but, trust me; it would up take all the paper in the world if I had to write it down.

"You have no idea," I whispered.

Harry gently went back my neck and sucked gently on the sensitive skin. I smiled and groaned lightly, wrapping my legs around his waist. He chuckled and sucked harder, chewing down every once and awhile. "Oh, God...!" I groaned loudly. Harry didn't bother stopping, but took this as stimulus to keep going. When he had created a hickey on one side of my neck, he went lower, and chewed just below my collar bone. Suddenly realizing I sleep in a bra and I had one on, I gently nudged Harry, muttering, "Harry, wait..."

He was immediately up from my collar bone, asking breathlessly, "What's wrong?"

"Um... my, ugh... bra..." I whispered, trying to say I didn't want to him to touch my boobs in a nice way. He nodded and kissed my neck higher, kissing me with the same roughness he had used before. When he pulled away and we were panting I sighed, and whispered, "I love you..."

"I love... you too, baby," he whispered back.

Harry and I settled down, and then held each other close. I bit my lip, mentally debating whether or not to ask something that was kinda lingering in my head. Harry noticed the "thinking face," and asked, "What is it baby?"

I glanced at him, seeing the actually concern in his face, and asked, "Do you... ever regret... picking me? For making... you wait...?"

He sighed and shook his head, replying, "No, baby, it's not like that at all. I think it's perfectly understandable you want to wait until you're ready. I mean, it is kind of a big step in a relationship... Might as well be ready for it."

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